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Packing or Unpacking Is Complete! Dialog Box

Use the Packing Is Complete! or Unpacking Is Complete! dialog box to view the list of databases and applications that were packed or unpacked and their locations. You can also access the Site Packager log file to view errors.

If errors occurred or you select to cancel the Site Packager, the following dialog boxes display:

  • The Errors Occurred during unpacking dialog box displays when errors occurred during the unpacking process.

  • The Packaging has been terminated dialog box displays when you select to cancel packaging of a site.

Use this

To do this

SQL databases created

View the SQL databases that were created and the computers on which they are installed.

If you cancel the unpacking process, databases that were created during the unpacking process may not be deleted.

IIS applications created

View the applications for which databases were created and the Web site on which they are installed.

View Log File

Click to open the Site Packager log file. It lists all the events that occurred as long as Site Packager was running. Use this to obtain information if errors occurred.


Close Site Packager.

See Also

Other Resources

How to Unpack a Site

How to Package a Site

Best Practices for Using Site Packager

How to View the IIS Properties for an Application, Folder, or File

Configuring the Database Servers

Deployment Roadmap