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What are Page Groups?

Page groups specify the pages on which your advertisements will appear on the Web site. By using page groups, you can put targeted advertisements on all pages of your site, or only on one particular page. For example, a News site might have a Sports page group to which you would target sports-related advertisements. Additionally, you can charge advertisers different rates based on the page group on which they advertise. For example, you can charge a premium for advertisements that you display on your home page, but less for advertisements you display on other pages.

After you select the page on which you want an advertisement to appear, the advertisement is validated against the Page Group property, and can then be put into production. You can view a list of all current page groups, add new page groups, edit page groups, and delete page groups in the Reference Tables section in Marketing Manager.


Before you can target an advertisement to a page group, the site developer must add the required code to enable the advertisement to display on the page. For information about how to enable advertisements to display on a page, see the site developer.

See Also

Other Resources

How to Create Page Groups

How to Edit Page Groups

Managing Tasks Common to All Business Management Applications

Managing Advertisements

Managing Discounts

Managing Page Groups