Commerce Foundation Address
This Commerce Server 2009 commerce entity is used to store information for a single address.
This commerce entity can be modified, as required. This model, taken from the out-of-the-box site, is provided as an example.
<CommerceEntity name="Address">
<DisplayName value="Address">
<LanguageSpecific value="fr: Address" language="fr-CA"/>
<Description value="User Address">
<LanguageSpecific value="fr: User Address" language="fr-CA"/>
<EntityMapping csType="Microsoft.CommerceServer.Runtime.Orders.OrderAddress" csAssembly="Microsoft.CommerceServer.Runtime, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=31bf3856ad364e35" csArea="Orders">
<PropertyMapping property="Id" csProperty="OrderAddressId"/>
<PropertyMapping property="AddressName" csProperty="Name"/>
<PropertyMapping property="CountryRegionCode" csProperty="CountryCode"/>
<PropertyMapping property="CountryRegionName" csProperty="CountryName"/>
<PropertyMapping property="Telephone" csProperty="DaytimePhoneNumber"/>
<PropertyMapping property="StateProvinceCode" csProperty="RegionCode"/>
<PropertyMapping property="StateProvinceName" csProperty="RegionName"/>
<PropertyMapping property="ZipPostalCode" csProperty="PostalCode"/>
<PropertyMapping property="TestField" csProperty="TestField"/>
<EntityMapping csType="Microsoft.CommerceServer.Runtime.Profiles.Profile" csAssembly="Microsoft.CommerceServer.Runtime, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=31bf3856ad364e35" csDefinitionName="Address" csArea="Profiles">
<PropertyMapping property="AdapterLastChangedDate" csProperty="ProfileSystem.csadapter_date_last_changed" />
<PropertyMapping property="AddressName" csProperty="GeneralInfo.address_name" />
<PropertyMapping property="AddressType" csProperty="GeneralInfo.address_type" />
<PropertyMapping property="City"csProperty="" />
<PropertyMapping property="CountryRegionCode" csProperty="GeneralInfo.country_code" />
<PropertyMapping property="CountryRegionName" csProperty="GeneralInfo.country_name" />
<PropertyMapping property="DateCreated" csProperty="ProfileSystem.date_created" />
<PropertyMapping property="DateModified" csProperty="ProfileSystem.date_last_changed" />
<PropertyMapping property="Description" csProperty="GeneralInfo.description" />
<PropertyMapping property="FirstName" csProperty="GeneralInfo.first_name" />
<PropertyMapping property="Id" csProperty="GeneralInfo.address_id" />
<PropertyMapping property="LastName" csProperty="GeneralInfo.last_name" />
<PropertyMapping property="Line1" csProperty="GeneralInfo.address_line1" />
<PropertyMapping property="Line2" csProperty="GeneralInfo.address_line2" />
<PropertyMapping property="LocaleId" csProperty="GeneralInfo.locale" />
<PropertyMapping property="ModifiedBy" csProperty="ProfileSystem.user_id_changed_by" />
<PropertyMapping property="StateProvinceCode" csProperty="GeneralInfo.region_code" />
<PropertyMapping property="StateProvinceName" csProperty="GeneralInfo.region_name" />
<PropertyMapping property="Telephone" csProperty="GeneralInfo.tel_number" />
<PropertyMapping property="TelephoneExtension" csProperty="GeneralInfo.tel_extension" />
<PropertyMapping property="ZipPostalCode" csProperty="GeneralInfo.postal_code" />
<Property name="City" dataType="String">
<DisplayName value="City">
<LanguageSpecific value="fr: City" language="fr-CA"/>
<Description value="City Name">
<LanguageSpecific value="fr: City Name" language="fr-CA"/>
<Message value="City is required">
<LanguageSpecific value="fr: City is required" language="fr-CA"/>
<Range minValue="0" minBoundaryType="Include" maxValue="64" maxBoundaryType="Include">
<Message value="City length must be within the defined range.">
<LanguageSpecific value="fr: City length must be within the defined range." language="fr-CA"/>
<Property name="Telephone" dataType="String" >
<DisplayName value="Telephone number">
<LanguageSpecific value="fr: Telephone number" language="fr-CA"/>
<Description value="Day time phone number">
<LanguageSpecific value="fr: Telephone number" language="fr-CA"/>
<Message value="Telephone must be in the following format: (614)555-1212.">
<LanguageSpecific value="fr: Telephone must be in the following format: (614)555-1212." language="fr-CA"/>
<Pattern value="^([\(]{1}[0-9]{3}[\)]{1}[\.| |\-]{0,1}|^[0-9]{3}[\.|\-| ]?)?[0-9]{3}(\.|\-| )?[0-9]{4}$" />
<Property name="TestField" dataType="String" />
Property |
Type |
Description |
AdapterLastChangedDate |
DateTime? |
Use for BizTalk adapter functionality. |
AddressName |
String |
Friendly name for this address (such as Work, Home, and so on). |
AddressType |
int? |
Type of address (such as Work, Home, Billing, and so on). |
City |
String |
Name of the city (such as Ottawa) for this address. |
CountryRegionCode |
String |
Country code (such as CA for Canada) for this address. |
CountryRegionName |
String |
Name of the country (such as Canada) for this address. |
DateCreated |
DateTime? |
Date the address was created. |
DateModified |
DateTime? |
Date the address was last modified. |
Description |
String |
Textual description for this address. |
FirstName |
String |
First name of the user for this address. |
Id |
String |
ID of the address. |
LastName |
String |
Last name of the user for this address. |
Line1 |
String |
First line of this address. |
Line2 |
String |
Second line of this address. |
LocaleId |
int? |
Locale Id used to render this address. |
ModifiedBy |
String |
User that last modified the address. |
StateProvinceCode |
String |
State or province code (such as ON for Ontario) for this address. |
StateProvinceName |
String |
Name for the state or province (such as Ontario) for this address. |
Telephone |
String |
Telephone number for this address. |
TelephoneExtension |
String |
Telephone extension for this address. |
TestField |
String |
Test field for this address. |
ZipPostalCode |
String |
Zip or Postal Code for this address. |
Supported Operations
Commerce Foundation Basket CommerceQuery
Commerce Foundation Basket CommerceUpdate
Commerce Foundation UserProfile CommerceCreate
Commerce Foundation UserProfile CommerceQuery
Commerce Foundation UserProfile CommerceUpdate