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Use this component to record information about content selection results in the QueryString key of the Internet Information Server (IIS) log file.

Although this component appears as IISAppendToLog in the Pipeline Editor, its ProgID is Commerce.CSFIISAppendToLog.

Intended use: Event Processing pipeline, Record stage.

Configuration Values


Values Read

The IISAppendToLog component reads the following values from the indicated dictionaries.

Key Dictionary Description
_event Order A string containing the name of the event to log.
_eventcount Order Optional. A SimpleList object containing the number of events to record for each winning content item. It must contain the same number of elements as the list of winners.

If this key is not present, one event will be recorded for each winning content item.

_winnerindexes Order A SimpleList object containing the ContentList object indexes of the winning content items.

If this key is present, the _winners key should not be present. If both are present, only the _winnerindexes key is used.

_winners Order A SimpleList object containing the values from the item_id key of the winning content items.

If this entry is present, the _winnerindexes key should not be present. If both are present, only the _winnersindexes key will be used.

ContextProfile.PageGroup Context The PageGroup key from the ContentSelection object stored in the dictionary referenced by the ContextProfile object.
PageGroups Context A dictionary that maps page group names to IDs from the identity column in the page_groups database table.

Values Written

None for the Order or Context dictionaries.


This component appends information about the result of the content selection process in the QueryString key of the IIS log file. This log file can be imported into the Data Warehouse for use with reporting and analysis. This component can only be used in the context of IIS because it uses the AppendToLog method of the IIS Response object.

The logging format is:

&CVET={T=class, property=value, property=value1+value2}

The components and their descriptions for this logging format are listed in the following table.

Component Description
The start of a Commerce event entry in the URI_Query object.
The end of a Commerce event in the URI_Query object.
The event class as defined in the Data Warehouse event class definitions, where class is the name of the corresponding definition. The value of class is always CAMP.
A value associated with a particular property. Both property and value strings must be URL-encoded (the space character and the following characters are subject to encoding: { } , = & +).Typical properties include CI (campaign item), CNT (count), and EVT (event).
Multiple values that are associated with a particular property. Both property and value strings are URL-encoded.
, (comma)
Used as the separator between elements.

The following lines are examples of possible log formatted strings and a description of their contents:


Campaign event, campaign item 3, event name=REQUEST, page group id =2


Campaign event, campaign item 1, count=3, event name=CLICK


Campaign event, campaign item 3, event name=DOWNLOAD

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