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Use this component to record the identifiers of the winning content items in the history list string.

Although the component appears as RecordHistory in the Pipeline Editor, its ProgID is Commerce.CSFRecordHistory.

Intended use: Content Selection pipeline, Record stage.

Configuration Values

You can determine how many items the RecordHistory component saves in the string by setting component properties. Use the following box on the Record History tab of the Component Properties dialog box to determine this information.

Box Description
Maximum number of items to store in history string Numeric. The maximum number of items saved in the history string. The default is 35.

Values Read

The RecordHistory component reads the following values from the indicated dictionaries.

Key Dictionary Description
_history Order The history string retrieved by the LoadHistory component.
_winnerindexes Order A SimpleList object containing the ContentList object indexes of the winning content items.

If this entry is present, the _winners key should not be present. If both are present, only this key is used.

_winners Order A SimpleList object containing the values from the item_id keys of the winning content items.

If this entry is present, the _winnerindexes key should not be present. If both are present, only the _winnerindexes key is used.

_content Order The item_id key for the various content items contained in the ContentList object referenced by the _content key.

The item_id key is automatically looked up if the _winnersindexes key is passed instead of the _winners key.

Values Written

The RecordHistory component writes the following values to the Order dictionary.

Key Description
_history The updated history list string.


The RecordHistory component is responsible for managing the size of the history list and truncates it when necessary. The component removes the oldest entries from the string when it exceeds the maximum length.

The property page for the RecordHistory component allows the maximum number of entries in the history to be configured. This component trims the least recent history list entries, as necessary, to assure that this limit is not exceeded.

See Also

ContentList Object

SimpleList Object

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