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Solution Sites Include Folder

The files in this folder can be grouped into two major divisions, global libraries and standard libraries. All of the global libraries (global_name_lib) are included and used by the global.asa file. A few of these global files are also used by the BDRefresh.asp and RefreshApp.asp files. The rest of the files are standard libraries that are included by many of the other Active Server Pages (ASP).

The following files are contained in this folder.

File Description
addr_lib.asp Contains functions used to retrieve and validate addresses.
analysis.asp Contains routines used to log Commerce events to the Web server log file for use by Analysis Services.
catalog.asp Contains routines that deal with catalogs.
const.asp Stores constants.
form_lib.asp Contains functions used to render and validate forms.
global_addressbook_lib.asp Contains functions that describe address forms.
global_cache_lib.asp Contains a function used to initialize the CacheManager object caches used in the site.
global_catalog_lib.asp Contains initialization functions for catalogs.
global_creditcards_lib.asp Contains functions used to retrieve credit card names and field definitions.
global_csf_lib.asp Contains a subroutine used to initialize the Content Selection Framework (CSF).
global_data_lib.asp Contains functions used to create and initialize the DataFunctions, SiteConfigReadOnly, BusinessDataAdmin, and GenID objects.
global_forms_lib.asp Contains functions used to retrieve form and field definitions, and profile attributes.
global_internationalization_lib.asp Contains functions used to retrieve country name and code lists, and to deal with alternate currencies.
global_main_lib.asp Contains the Main subroutine called by the global.asa file to create, initialize, and place in application scope many of the objects supplied by Commerce Server.
global_messagemanager_lib.asp Contains functions used to create and initialize the MessageManager object.
global_predictor_lib.asp Contains a function used to create the PredictorClient object, and to load the Transaction prediction model from the Data Warehouse.
global_profile_lib.asp Contains routines used to create and initialize the ProfileService and AuthManager objects, and place all the properties of all the profile schema types into a cached Dictionary object for later reference.
global_siteconfig_lib.asp Contains routines used to retrieve site configuration information, join a Web farm, and build the dictPages data structure.
global_siteterms_lib.asp Contains functions used to retrieve and cache site terms for later reference.
global_ui_lib.asp Contains functions used to initialize site styles.
header.asp Used to specify the client and server-side code page, response-buffering mode, and so on.
html_lib.asp Contains functions used to render HTML text, formatting tags, buttons, lists, forms, and tables.
payment.asp Contains routines used on payment-related pages (crdtcard.asp, dispatch.asp, po.asp, and summary.asp).
setupenv.asp Used to set up framework variables, retrieve information about the user, and call the Main subroutine.
std_access_lib.asp Contains routines used to implement page-level access control.
std_cache_lib.asp Contains routines used to cache fragments and retrieve the cached fragments.
std_cookie_lib.asp Contains routines used with cookies.
std_dates_lib.asp Contains date functions.
std_error_lib.asp Not used.
std_ordergrp_lib.asp Contains routines used with order groups.
std_pipeline_lib.asp Contains functions used to retrieve the path of the log file and run the pipeline.
std_profile_lib.asp Contains routines used to create a new profile, retrieve and update a current profile, check whether the user has a profile, and check whether profiling is enabled on the site.
std_string_lib.asp Contains routines used for string handling.
std_url_lib.asp Contains functions used with URLs.
std_util_lib.asp Contains utility functions used in most pages and also by the global.asa file.
txheader.asp Used to specify the client and server-side code page, response-buffering mode, and so on, for pages that require a new transaction.

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