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Advertising Reports

You use the Reports module to run reports to analyze advertising data.

Ad Reach and Frequency by Date

Ad Reach and Frequency per Advertiser

Campaign Event Summary

Campaign Item Summary

Ad Reach and Frequency by Date (Dynamic)

Use the Ad Reach and Frequency by Date report to review the behavior of users in relation to campaign items on your site. This report shows the activity of users per day for each campaign. This report provides data only for closed visits.

Using the information from this report, you can examine the effectiveness of your ad campaigns. The following tables list the measures and event types for this report.

Measure Description
Request A request for content.
Reach The number of unique users who performed the action that creates an event. For example, the reach of your ABC ad is 245 if 245 users click on your ABC ad.
Event Description
Click A click on an ad or a promotion.
Download A download of a GIF image or other advertising asset from the Web server.
Sold An item sold from an ad, such as a promotion or bounty ad.


  • You can record custom events by adding custom event names to the event_type table in your campaigns database.

The following table lists the measures that this report contains.

Measure Description
Events The number of events that occurred on the site during the report period.
Frequency The number of times the event occurred (event) divided by the number of distinct users who applied the action of each event (reach).
Reach The number of distinct users who applied the action of each event.

The following table lists the dimensions that this report contains.

Dimension Description
Campaign The name of the campaign.
Day The day on which the ad was presented to a user on the site.
Event The event that occurred on the site. For example, an ad request.
Site The site on which the ad was presented.

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Ad Reach and Frequency per Advertiser (Dynamic)

Use the Ad Reach and Frequency per Advertiser report to review the behavior of users in relation to campaign items over time. This report provides data only for closed visits.

Using the information from this report, you can examine the value of your advertisers.

The following table lists the measures that this report contains.

Measure Description
Events The number of events that occurred on the site during the report period.
Frequency The number of times the event occurred (event) divided by the number of distinct users who applied the action of each event (reach).
Reach The number of distinct users who applied the action of each event.

The following table lists the dimensions that this report contains.

Dimension Description
Advertiser The name of the advertiser associated with each ad.
Event The event that occurred on the site. For example, an ad request.
Site The site on which the ad was presented.

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Campaign Item Summary (Dynamic)

Use the Campaign Item Summary report to review the effectiveness of campaigns on your site. This report shows a summary of activity by campaign item on your site. This report provides data only for closed visits.

The following table lists the measures that this report contains.

Measure Description
Click Thru % The number of times users clicked an ad divided by the number times an ad was presented to users (the reach divided by the yield).
Clicks The number of times the ad was clicked.
Reach The number of distinct users who saw an ad.
Requests The number of times the ad was requested.
Yield The number of requests for the ad divided by the total ordered impressions for the ad.
Ordered Impressions Balance The total ordered impressions for an ad less the number of requests for that ad.

The following table lists the dimensions that this report contains.

Dimension Description
Advertiser The name of the advertiser associated with the ad.
Site The site on which the ad was presented.

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Campaign Event Summary (Dynamic)

Use the Campaign Event Summary report to review the effectiveness of campaigns on your site. This report shows a summary of campaign event activity on your site. This report collects data only for closed visits.

The following table lists the measures that this report contains.

Measure Description
Count Events The total number of campaign events that occurred on the site during the report period.

The following table lists the dimensions that this report contains.

Dimension Description
Advertiser The name of the advertiser associated with the ad.
Event The type of campaign event that occurred on the site. For example, an ad request.
Site The site on which a campaign event occurred.

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See Also

Running Reports

Viewing Dynamic Reports

Viewing Static Reports

Finding Reports

Printing Reports

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