PropertyAttribute Recordset
The PropertyAttribute recordset reflects the property definitions found in the CatalogAttributes table.
The following table shows the fields in the PropertyAttribute Recordset.
Field name | Data type |
PropertyName | String |
DataType | Small integer |
u_DefaultValue | String |
i_DefaultValue | Integer |
dt_DefaultValue | datetime |
cy_DefaultValue | money |
f_DefaultValue | bit |
fp_DefaultValue | float |
i_MinValue | Integer |
i_MaxValue | Integer |
dt_MinValue | datetime |
dt_MaxValue | datetime |
fp_MinValue | float |
fp_MaxValue | float |
IsFreeTextSearchable | bit |
IncludeInSpecSearch | bit |
MinLength | Integer |
MaxLength | Integer |
cy_MinValue | money |
cy_MaxValue | money |
TimeStamp | timestamp |
DisplayOnSite | bit |
DisplayName | String |
AssignAll | bit |
ExportToDW | bit |
DisplayInProductsList | bit |