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Securing the Direct Mailer Database

The Direct Mailer service uses the connection string specified in the Direct Mailer global resource to connect to the Direct Mailer database.

The first time the DirectMailer service is invoked, it creates the following tables in the Direct Mailer database:

  • dml_attachments
  • dml_job_errors
  • dml_jobs

It also creates the Sp_create_dml_sqlagent_job stored procedure.

For each unique list involved in the Direct Mailer job, Direct Mailer creates a separate table in the Direct Mailer database, for example:


The following table lists the Direct Mailer database and other Direct Mailer tables, and whether the run-time account, design-time account, and the Direct Mailer service account require access to them.

Table name Run-time user Design-time user accounts Direct Mailer service accounts
Direct Mailer database No No db_owner role
No No Select
No No Select
No No Select
No No Select

In addition, the Direct Mailer service must have Write permissions (ACLs) on the following files:

Winnt\system32\logfiles folders

Write permissions are required on these files so Direct Mailer can create and write to a log file, and send mails (it requires permissions to the drop location).


  • The Direct Mailer service can be on ComputerA and the Direct Mailer database can be in ComputerB. When a direct mail campaign item is created using Business Desk, a SQL Server Agent Job is created in the Direct Mailer database (ComputerB). According to the schedule of this job, the job calls the Direct Mailer service in ComputerA to actually process the mails.

    For this setup to work, Direct Mailer service also has to be installed in ComputerB. This install is just necessary for the SQL Server Agent job on ComputerB to communicate with the Direct Mailer service on ComputerA. The actual mail processing gets done only at ComputerA.

    You must purchase a Commerce Server license for SQL Server.

Direct Mailer Stored Procedure

The following table lists the Direct Mailer stored procedure, and whether run-time or design-time users should have access to it.

Stored procedure Run-time user Design-time user accounts Direct Mailer service accounts
No Yes Yes

See Also

Direct Mailer Service Account

Using Direct Mailer and Windows Authentication

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