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CatalogSets Object [C++]

Use this object to work with catalog sets in the Product Catalog System. Catalog sets allow you to present different collections of catalogs to different users and organizations.

ProgID:   Commerce.CatalogSets (Externally creatable)
COM Class Name:   CatalogSets
Type Library Name:   Microsoft Commerce 2002 Catalog Sets Type Library
DLL Name:   CatalogSets.dll
Threading Model:   Apartment


COM Interface Name:   _CatalogSets
Interface ID Constant:   None
Header File:   None


In C++, use the _CatalogSets interface to access the properties and methods of the CatalogSets object.

Because this object is primarily intended for use within ASP script, access from C++ will not be common.



Method Description
CreateCatalogSet Creates a new catalog set.
DeleteCatalogSet Deletes the specified catalog set.
GetCatalogs Returns a list of all catalogs.
GetCatalogSetIDForUser Returns the catalog set ID for a user.
GetCatalogSetInfo Returns information about the specified catalog set.
GetCatalogSets Returns a list of all catalog sets.
GetCatalogsForUser Returns a list of catalogs associated with the specified user.
GetCatalogsInCatalogSet Returns a list of catalogs associated with the specified catalog set.
GetCatalogsNotInCatalogSet Returns a list of all catalogs not associated with the specified catalog set.
Initialize Initializes the CatalogSets object.
RemoveCatalogFromCatalogSets Remove a catalog from all catalog sets.
UpdateCatalogSet Allows modification of an existing catalog set.

[Visual Basic]

Method Description
CreateCatalogSet Creates a new catalog set.
DeleteCatalogSet Deletes the specified catalog set.
GetCatalogs Returns a list of all catalogs.
GetCatalogSetIDForUser Returns the catalog set ID for a user.
GetCatalogSetInfo Returns information about the specified catalog set.
GetCatalogSets Returns a list of all catalog sets.
GetCatalogsForUser Returns a list of catalogs associated with the specified user.
GetCatalogsInCatalogSet Returns a list of catalogs associated with the specified catalog set.
GetCatalogsNotInCatalogSet Returns a list of all catalogs not associated with the specified catalog set.
Initialize Initializes the CatalogSets object.
RemoveCatalogFromCatalogSets Remove a catalog from all catalog sets.
UpdateCatalogSet Allows modification of an existing catalog set.

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