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Changing the Connection String for a Site Resource

You can change the connection strings for any of the site resources.

To change the connection string for a site resource

  1. In Commerce Server Manager, expand Commerce Server Manager, expand Commerce Sites, and then expand the site you want to administer.
  2. Expand Site Resources, right-click the site resource to be configured, and then click Properties.
  3. In the Properties dialog box, on the Connection Strings tab, select a connection string, and then click Modify. The Data Link Properties dialog box appears.
  4. After making the necessary changes in the Data Link Properties dialog box, click OK.

Ee785394.note(en-US,CS.20).gif Notes

  • It is possible to add connection strings that are not associated with a database, and thus, do not work. If this occurs, Microsoft Data Link does not display an error message.
  • After you change a connection string, you must restart IIS. For instructions, see Restarting IIS and Commerce Server Services.

See Also

Using Windows Authentication

Configuring Data Warehouse Connection Strings

Configuring the Predictor Connection String to an External Database

OLE DB Connection Strings for the Data Warehouse

OLE DB Connection Strings for the Profiling System

Code to Connect to the Expression Store

Code to Retrieve the Predictor Database Connection String

Code to Connect to the Profiles Store

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