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Event Processing Pipeline

The Event Processing pipeline runs components that record the occurrence of particular events, such as a user clicking on a particular ad.

The Event Processing pipeline consists of the following stages:

  • Load Context Stage

  • Record Stage

  • Format Stage

Load Context Stage

Microsoft Commerce Server 2000 includes no components for this stage. This stage is provided for custom extensions to CSF or for future enhancements to Commerce Server 2000.

Record Stage

This stage contains components that record the selection made to a database, the server log file, or a history string.

The components related to this stage are shown in the following table.

Component Description
IISAppendToLog Records information about content selection results in the QueryString field of the IIS log file.
RecordEvent Records event delta counts for the selected content items (the winners) in the Performance dictionary. The values are used to calculate the need of delivery of an item.

Format Stage

Microsoft Commerce Server 2000 includes no components for this stage. This stage is provided for custom extensions to CSF or for future enhancements to Commerce Server 2000.

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