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Use this component to retrieve a history string from a user profile, an item in the Active Server Pages (ASP) session collection, or a cookie.

Although the component appears as LoadHistory in the Pipeline Editor, its ProgID is Commerce.CSFLoadHistory.

Intended use: Content Selection pipeline, Load Context stage.

Configuration Values

You can determine where the LoadHistory component retrieves the history string by setting component properties. Use the following boxes on the Load History tab of the Component Properties dialog box to determine this information. You must choose one of the following options.

Box Description
User Profile Object The property in the user profile object containing the history string.
ASP Session Collection The key in the Session object containing the history string. Requires that the component be configured with the proper key and that the pipeline be executing in the Internet Information Server (IIS) context.
HTTP Cookie The key in the Cookies object containing the history string. Requires that the component be configured with the proper key and that the pipeline be executing in the IIS context.


  • The cookie is a session cookie and will not persist across sessions.

The default user object profile that ships with Commerce Server 2002 contains a property for the history string: Advertising Info.Campaign History. This is the only method that persists the history string across user sessions on the site (required to support ExposureLimit data member properly).

Values Read

The LoadHistory component reads the following values from the indicated dictionaries.

Key Dictionary Description
UserProfile Context A reference to the ProfileObject object for this user. This entry is optional, and is required only when the User Profile Object option is used.

Values Written

The LoadHistory component writes the following value to the Order dictionary.

Key Description
_history The history string, retrieved from one of the sources, as configured in the property page of the component.


This component makes the history string easily accessible to other pipeline components by hiding its source.

If the User Profile Object option is chosen as the source for the history string, the property page requires the name of the property in the User Profile Object in which the history string is maintained.

When using the User Profile Object option, it is possible to use either a field that is mapped to a data column in a table, or a field that is not mapped. If the field is not mapped, the history string is persisted only for the duration of the user session and is later timed out of the profile cache. This method is more efficient than using the mapped method, but the mapped method allows the history string to be persisted across sessions. The unmapped option does not allow you to load balance Domain Name Server (DNS) network requests by sending the incoming requests to the next server in a list (round-robin load balancing).

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