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OrderForm Object


The OrderForm object provides for the in-memory storage of user and purchase information. Commerce Server 2000 sites use the OrderForm object to store the items that a user has chosen to purchase, and to store receipt information that reflects the purchase history for a given user.

ProgID:   Commerce.OrderForm (Externally creatable)
COM Class Name:   COrderForm
COM Interface Name:   IOrderForm
Interface ID Constant:   IID_IOrderForm
Header File:   commerce.h, mspu_guids.h
Type Library Name:   Microsoft Commerce 2000 Core Components Type Library
DLL Name:   MscsCore.dll
Threading Model:   Both

In C++, use the IOrderForm interface to access the properties and methods of the OrderForm object.

The methods of the OrderForm object are shown in the following table.

Method Description
AddItem Adds the specified item to the items collection of the object.
ClearItems Clears the items collection of the object.
ClearOrderForm Clears the entire OrderForm object.


The OrderForm object is defined internally as a structured group of SimpleList and Dictionary objects, and includes the methods required to add items, clear items, and clear the entire OrderForm object itself.

The base of the OrderForm object is a Dictionary object, which contains information that describes the entire order. This includes user information, such as the shopper ID, name, and address, as well as order cost information, such as purchase subtotal, tax, shipping, and total.

The OrderForm object does not directly support storage of its data on disk. The DBStorage and OrderGroupManager objects enable persistent storage of OrderForm object data.

A number of the elements in the base Dictionary object of the OrderForm object include underscore (_) characters. The appearance of an underscore character in an element name indicates that these items are not saved to the OrderForm storage for the site. These elements are saved instead to the receipt storage of the site when the purchase is finalized.

See Also

Business Process Objects

OrderGroup Object

OrderGroupManager Object

SimpleFindSearchInfo Object

SimpleFindResultInfo Object

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