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Commerce Server Performance Counters

The following table lists the performance counters available in Commerce Server 2002 Enterprise Edition. It is recommended that you run these counters in System Monitor, located in the Console Root in Commerce Server Manager.


  • To monitor performance on a single site in a multi-site configuration, you must use the Sitename token in all Profile Service objects' connection strings for every installed site. For example, if you have three sites, A, B, and C, and you want to monitor performance on site A, you must include “Sitename=” token with the appropriate site name for all sites. Otherwise, sites B and C will increment all site performance counters including site A.

  • If you cannot find a performance counter in System monitor, check the registry for the existence of a value “Disable Performance Counters” under the key for the counter, for example:


    If it has a value of 1, then the counters were disabled. Set the value to zero and they will work again.

Performance object Counter name Description
CS2002: User Profile Management AuthMgr: AnonTickets/sec The number of tickets, or property/value pairs, set for anonymous users per second at a particular site.
  AuthChecks Failed/sec The number of failed authentication checks per second at a particular site.
  AuthMgr: AuthChecks Succeeded/sec The number of successful authentication checks per second at a particular site.
  AuthMgr: AuthMgr Objects/sec The number of Authentication Manager objects created per second at a particular site.
  AuthMgr: AuthTickets/sec The number of authenticated tickets set per second at a particular site.
  AuthMgr: Custom Properties/sec The number of custom properties set per second at a particular site.
  AuthMgr: Get_Custom-Properties/sec The number of Get_Custom-Properties set per second at a particular site. The GetProperty() counter gets the custom property values from the user cookie.
  AuthMgr: Total AnonTickets The total number of tickets, or property/value pairs, set for anonymous users at a particular site.
  AuthMgr: Total AuthChecks Failed The total number of failed authentication checks at a particular site.
  AuthMgr: Total AuthChecks succeeded The total number of successful authentication checks at a particular site.
  AuthMgr: Total AuthMgr Objects Created The total number of Authentication Manager objects created at a particular site.
  AuthMgr: Total AuthTickets The total number of authenticated tickets at a particular site.
  AuthMgr: Total Custom-Properties The total number of Custom-properties set at a particular site.
  AuthMgr: Total Get_Custom-Properties The total number of GetCustom-properties set at a particular site.
  AuthFilter: Token-Cache-Entries (total) The total number of Token-Cache entries in Windows Authentication mode.
  AuthFilter: Token-Cache-Size (bytes) The size, in bytes, of Token-Cache in Windows Authentication mode.
  AuthFilter: Token-Cache Entries (Active) The current number of active Token-Cache entries in Windows Authentication mode.
  AuthFilter: WindowsAuth-Cache-Hits The total number of password cache hits in Windows Authentication mode.
  AuthFilter: WindowsAuth-Cache-Hits/sec The number of password cache hits per second in Windows Authentication mode.
  AuthFilter: WindowsAuth-Cache-Misses The total number of password cache misses in Windows Authentication mode.
  AuthFilter: WindowsAuth-Cache-Misses/sec The number of password cache misses per second in Windows Authentication mode.
  AuthFilter: Total Successful Windows-AuthChecks The total number of successful Windows Authentication checks by the authentication Internet Server Application Program Interface (ISAPI) filter. This is the total number of times the filter passed the credentials to Internet Information Services (IIS) 5.0 and returned successfully.
  AuthFilter: Successful Windows-AuthChecks/sec The number of successful Windows Authentication checks per second.
  AuthFilter: Total Failed Windows-AuthChecks The total number of failed Windows Authentication checks.
  AuthFilter: Failed Windows-AuthChecks/sec The number of failed Windows Authentication checks per second.
  AuthFilter: Total AutoCookies The total number of AutoCookies generated.
  AuthFilter: AutoCookies/sec The number of AutoCookies generated per second.
  AuthFilter: Total Requests Failed The number of failures caused by a full filter-cache, or because an error occurred and a filter redirected to an error page.
  UPM: Active Connection Count The total number of currently active connections in the connection pool.
  UPM: Active Heap Count The total number of currently active heaps in the heap pool.
  UPM: Active Heap Count (using SetCounter) The total number of currently active heaps in the heap pool when using SetCounter.
  UPM: Background Thread State The value for this counter is either 1 (On) or 0 (Off), indicating whether the background thread is currently active.
  UPM: Bucket Lock Contention Context Switches/sec The total number of context switches per second due to bucket lock contention.
  UPM: Cache Retry Logic Context Switches/sec The total number of context switches per second (along the internal cache lookup retry logic code path).
  UPM: Connection Pool Lock Contention Context Switches/sec The total number of context switches per second due to connection pool lock contention.
  UPM: Create Profile Latency The cumulative latency for all profile object creations in one second.
  UPM: Delete Profile Latency The cumulative latency for all profile object deletions in one second.
  UPM: DTS Export Errors The total number of errors that occurred during an export.
  UPM: DTS Records Exported The total number of records exported.
  UPM: DTS Records Exported/sec The total number of records exported per second.
  UPM: Free Entry Lookup Rate The number of times, per second, the foreground thread purged entries from the profile object cache to search for a free block.
  UPM: Get Profile Latency The cumulative latency for all profile object retrievals in one second.
  UPM: Heap Pool Lock Contention Context Switches/sec The number of context switches per second due to heap pool lock contention.
  UPM: Modify Profile Latency The cumulative latency for all profile object updates in one second.
  UPM: Object Reads The total number of profile objects retrieved.
  UPM: Object Reads/sec The number of profile objects retrieved per second.
  UPM: Object Creations The total number of profile objects created.
  UPM: Object Creations/sec The number of profile objects created per second.
  UPM: Object Deletes The total number of profile objects deleted.
  UPM: Object Deletes/sec The number of profile objects deleted per second.
  UPM: Object Modifies The total number of profile objects modified.
  UPM: Object Modifies/sec The number of profile objects modified per second.
  UPM: Cache Objects The total number of cache objects.
  UPM: Cache Hit Rate/sec The number of cache hits per second.
  UPM: Cache Miss Rate/sec The number of cache misses per second.
  UPM: No. of Cache Purges The number of times the foreground thread purged entries from the profile object cache to search for a free block of memory.
Catalog Catalog Queries per second The number of queries made to the Product Catalog System per second. Query and FreeTextSearch are used to record the values for the performance monitor counters. No other methods record the counters.
Data Warehouse and Analysis CatImport: Total Catalogs Total number of catalogs imported during this DTS import task.
  CatImport: Total Categories Total number of categories imported during this DTS import task.
  CatImport: Total Products Total number of products imported during this DTS import task.
  UPM: DTS Records Exported/sec The number of Data Transformation Services (DTS) records exported per second.
  UPM: DTS Records Exported The total number of DTS records exported.
  UPM: DTS Export Errors The total number of DTS errors that occurred during export. This is a cumulative number of field mismatches and objects that could not be recorded by the Data Warehouse.
  UImport: Free hit buffers The number of currently available empty hit buffers.
  UImport: Used hit buffers The number of currently filled hit buffers.
  UImport: Hits per second The rate per second at which the import task is processing hits.
  UImport: Current visits The total number of active visits recorded while the log files are processed.
  UImport: Commerce events The total number of Commerce Server events that occurred for the import task.
  UImport: Decoded cookies The total number of Commerce Server-decoded cookies encountered while the import task was running.
  UImport: Query strings The total number of query strings processed while the import task was running.
  Total IPs resolved Total number of Internet Protocols (IPs) resolved during this DTS IP Resolution task.
  Total IPs unresolved Total number of IPs unresolved during this DTS IP Resolution task.
  Provider: Total SetColumns The total number of times SetColumns() has been called.
  Provider: Committed rows per second The number of rows stored per second.
CS2002: Marketing and Catalog DML: Direct Mail errors per second The number of errors returned by Direct Mailer per second.
  DML: Direct Mail jobs running The total number of Direct Mailer jobs currently running.
  DML: Mail Messages sent/second The number of mail messages sent, by all Direct Mailer jobs per second.
  DML: Total Direct Mail errors The total number of errors returned by all Direct Mailer jobs.
  DML: Total messages sent The total number of mail messages sent by all Direct Mailer jobs.
  EEE: Evaluations/second The number of expressions evaluated per second.
  EEE: Expression Cache Size The total number of expressions currently in the expression cache.
  EEE: Property Cache Hits The total number of property cache hits since the server started.
  EEE: Property Reads The total number of properties read by the Expression Evaluator since the server started.
  EEE: Property Reads/second The number of properties read per second by the Expression Evaluator.
  EEE: Result Cache Hits The total number of cache hits since the server started.
  EEE: Total Evaluation Errors The total number of evaluation errors returned.
  EEE: Total Evaluations The total number of evaluations returned since the server has been up, including both successful and erroneous evaluations.
  LRUCache: Cache size The total number of entries in the cache. Cache size can grow to 10 percent more than the size set by the user, at which time a flush will occur to bring the cache size back to the preset limit. LRUCache counters are grouped by site, not by the individual cache.
  LRUCache: Flushes/sec The number of items flushed out of the cache per second to accommodate new items added to the cache. Records items flushed by the LRU algorithm and items flushed manually.
  LRUCache: Hits/sec The number of cache hits per second for the cache.
  LRUCache: Misses/sec The number of cache misses per second for the cache.
  Predictor: Total Model Loads The number of models loaded since the service was last restarted.
  Predictor: Client Avg Prediction Time The average elapsed time required for a prediction to be returned.
  Predictor: Client Model Loads From File The number of times an analysis model is loaded from a file.
  Predictor: Total Client Predictions The total number of predictions.
CS2002: Pipelines Average execution time The average execution time in microseconds for the particular component of the pipeline.
  Errors total The total number of Error Level 3 failures returned by the particular pipeline component (PIPEERRORLEV_FAIL) or FAILED HRESULT.
  Errors per second The number of errors generated by the particular pipeline component per second.
  Execution total The total number of times the particular pipeline component has been executed.
  Executions per second The number of executions made by the particular pipeline component per second.
  Warning total The total number of Error Level 2 warnings returned by the particular pipeline component (PIPEERRORLEV_WARN).
  Warnings per/second The number of warnings returned by the pipeline component per second.


  • For the Data Warehouse and Analysis object, Data Warehouse performance counters are used only when importing data groups such as DTS tasks, users, and catalogs. For this reason, the Data Warehouse performance counters need to be set up as anonymous servers.
  • For the CS2002: Pipelines object, one instance of each pipeline counter exists for the entire pipeline.

AuthChecks Failed/sec Performance Counter

The AuthChecks Failed/sec counter is the number of failed authorization checks per second. This counter rate is incremented when the IsAuthenticated function fails. It can fail when there is no AuthTicket in the cookie or when the AuthTicket that is in the cookie has expired.

AuthFilter: Token-Cache-Size Performance Counter

The Token-Cache-Size counter is the number of user tokens stored in the filter cache. This number can be changed in the SiteConfig object in the Microsoft Management Console (MMC). You would change this number if the server has sufficient RAM and the site is frequently visited by a large number of diverse users in a short period of time.

Catalog Queries per Second Performance Counter

The Catalog Queries per second counter is the rate of queries per second through the CS2002: Marketing and Catalog object on a server. These queries include all category and product related queries as well as free text search. You can reduce queries made to the Product Catalog System by using a product cache or search cache to improve performance. Free text search can also be tracked with the Microsoft search>queries/sec counter.

The catalog query rate is the uncached rate. If this rate is high, then the application code should be changed to take advantage of a local caching mechanism, such as the LRUCache counter.

DML: Direct Mail Jobs Running Performance Counter

The Direct Mail jobs running counter measures the concurrent job count. There is no specific synchronization method in this service. More concurrent jobs may or may not generate more throughput.

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