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Developing Direct Mail Content

Direct Mailer can construct message bodies from either Web pages or static files. You can also extend Direct Mailer to construct messages using other sources, such as SQL Server templates, by adding custom components to the Direct Mailer pipeline. For more information about adding custom components to the Direct Mailer pipeline, see Using the Direct Mailer Pipeline.

For performance reasons, Direct Mailer pre-loads the file content for a static file into memory. The file size is limited to two million ASCII characters or one million Unicode characters. The remaining characters in the file are ignored and will not be sent in the message.

The only way to send individually personalized mail is by using a Web page. To deliver personalized message bodies, you must first develop the personalized Web page.

Ee797101.note(en-US,CS.10).gif Note

  • If you specify a text attachment when sending a mailing in MIME Encapsulation or Aggregate HTML Documents (MHTML) format from Direct Mailer, the personalized Web page will show up as an attachment when viewed with Microsoft Outlook. This issue applies only with Outlook, not with Microsoft Outlook Express.

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