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ProductCatalog3.RootCategories Property (PIA)

The RootCategories property is a read-only Recordset that contains the names of the categories that exist at the root level of this catalog.


[Visual Basic .NET]

Imports Microsoft.CommerceServer.Interop.Catalog
Import ADODB26Lib     ‘ for _Recordset
Public ReadOnly Property RootCategories(Optional vrPropertiesRequired As Object) As _Recordset


using Microsoft.CommerceServer.Interop.Catalog;
using ADODB26Lib;                              //For _Recordset
public _Recordset get_RootCategories(object vrPropertiesRequired);


[Visual Basic .NET]

  • vrPropertiesRequired
    An Objectthat contains a comma-separated list of the required property names.


  • vrPropertiesRequired
    An object containing a string that contains a comma-separated list of the required property names. Set to Type.Missing to not specify a property list.

Return Values

This method returns a _Recordset interface to a Recordset used to return the root categories.


This property may throw one of many mapped exceptions or an exception of type COMException. See Standard COM Errors for additional details.

The following table shows the custom COM errors that COMException may wrap as exceptions for this method.

Constant Value Description

[C#] 0x889800B7

[Visual Basic .NET] &H889800B7

The recordset pointer that you specified is invalid


[C#]get_Properties does not show up in IntelliSense.

Any category without parents is considered to be a root category.

The Recordset object returned by this method will contain one row for each root category, and a field for each property name in the vrPropertiesRequired parameter. If the parameter is omitted, the Recordset object will contain all of the corresponding fields. For more information about these fields, see CatalogProduct Recordset.

Ee797309.note(en-US,CS.20).gif Note

  • Leading numbers in the property names in the vrPropertiesRequired parameter will be trimmed from the corresponding field names in the returned Recordset. The data will be correct; only the field names will be incorrect. If the property is omitted, then the field names will be correct. Enclose field names that begin with a number in brackets to avoid this problem. For example, oProductCatalog.RootCategories("[123_Prop1],[123_ Prop2]").


Namespace: Microsoft.CommerceServer.Interop.Catalog

Platforms: Windows 2000, Windows Server 2003

Assembly: cataloglib (in cataloglib.dll)

See Also

ProductCatalog3 Class


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