Securing Your Site
After you finish unpacking your site, you need to secure your site to prevent unauthorized access to your Commerce Server and application files.
This section contains:
Limiting Access to Your Site. Explains how to use NTFS permissions to limit access to site files.
Limiting Access to Commerce Server Services. Explains how to grant access to Commerce Server services for specific Windows accounts.
Limiting Access to Business Desk Modules. Explains how to prevent specific users from accessing particular Commerce Server Business Desk modules.
Limiting Access to the Administration Database. Explains how to limit access to the Administration database using the Windows Registry Editor.
Providing Access to Commerce Server Resources. Explains how to provide access to the SQL Server database that corresponds to Commerce Server resources.
Securing Log Files. Describes how to move your log files from your Web servers to a more secure location.
Enabling Only the Most Secure Version of Integrated Windows Authentication. Describes how you can configure your Web server to use the strongest version of Integrated Windows authentication.
Using the sa SQL Administrative Account. Explains recommendations for not using the "sa" login that SQL Server creates by default.
Differentiating Access to Resources. Explains access privileges for different Commerce site users.
Changing the Data Warehouse Password. Explains how to change the Data Warehouse password.