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Predictor Resource Workflow

The following figure illustrates the workflow for building, viewing, analyzing, and deploying analysis models.

Predictor Resource workflow diagram

New configuration model
(created by the site developer)

Prediction model
Segment model

Select an analysis model:

Select a configuration model:

Deploy Model onto Web
servers using
PredictorClient API calls

View and analyze the
Segment model using the Segment Viewer
(in Business Desk)

View and analyze the
Prediction model using the Prediction Model Viewer
(in Commerce Server Manager)

Build the analysis model

Import data
into the
Data Warehouse

  1. Import data into the Commerce Server Data Warehouse.

  2. Select a configuration model from the Build Model dialog box.

    Or create a new model configuration.

  3. Select an analysis model type from the Build Model dialog box.

  4. Build the analysis model.

  5. View and analyze a Prediction model in the Prediction Model Viewer.

  6. View and analyze a Segment model using the Segment Viewer in Business Desk.

  7. Deploy the analysis model onto your Web servers using PredictorClient API calls.

Ee797683.note(en-US,CS.10).gif Note

  • Prediction models provide more accurate recommendations than Segment models. Use Prediction models to provide recommendations on your site.

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