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Internationalization Initialization Routines


The following internationalization initialization routines are defined in this file:

  • GetBillToCurrenciesListItems
    This function creates and returns a SimpleList object containing three items: the MessageManager "L_SelectOne_Text" message, the base currency symbol, and the alternate currency symbol.
  • GetBillToCurrenciesListValues
    This function creates and returns a SimpleList object containing three items: the integer –1, the base currency code, and the alternate currency code.
  • GetBillToCurrencyFieldDefinition
    This function initializes the form field definitions for the bill-to currency field.
  • GetCountryCodesList
    This function returns a SimpleList object that has "-1" as the first item, and the codes corresponding to the countries returned by the GetCountryNamesList method of the AppConfig object as the subsequent items.
  • GetCountryNamesList
    This function returns a SimpleList object that has the string corresponding to the MessageManager constant L_SelectOne_Text as the first item, and the names of the countries returned by the GetCountryNamesList method of the AppConfig object as the subsequent items.
  • InitAltCurrencyDisp
    This function creates, initializes, and returns a EuroDisplay object. This enables the display of the Euro as an alternate currency.

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