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ShippingMethodManager Object


Use this object to manage shipping methods that will be available on the site. The ShippingMethodManager object lets you add and remove methods, and set their description, availability, and configuration.

ProgID:   Commerce.ShippingMethodManager (Externally creatable)
COM Class Name:   ShippingMethodManager
COM Interface Name:   _ShippingMethodManager
Interface ID Constant:   None
Header File:   None
Type Library Name:   Microsoft Commerce 2000 Shipping Components Type Library
DLL Name:   shipmgr.dll
Threading Model:   Apartment

Because this object is primarily intended for use within ASP script, access from C++ will not be common.

The methods of the ShippingMethodManager object are shown in the following table.

Method Description
CreateMethodInstance Creates an empty instance of a shipping method.
DeleteMethodInstance Deletes the current shipping method instance.
GetComponentConfig Retrieves the Configuration dictionary for the shipping component, which implements the current shipping method.
GetInstalledMethodList Returns a recordset containing the current shipping methods.
GetMethodInfo Returns a recordset containing information about one or more shipping methods.
Initialize Initializes the ShippingMethodManager object and connects it to a database.
LoadMethodInstance Loads a given shipping method to be manipulated by other methods.
SaveMethodConfig Saves information about the current method.
SetCachableComponentConfig Saves configuration and other component information for a component.
SetMethodConfig Sets pairs of names and values for the current method


The shipping architecture in Commerce Server 2000 is designed so that shipping methods can be changed through the Shipping Methods module in Commerce Server Business Desk without programming or editing pipelines. To do this, Commerce Server maintains a database table, ShippingConfig, of shipping methods and the information required to configure shipping components to implement those methods.

The ShippingMethodManager object is used by Business Desk to manage the ShippingConfig database table.

For more information about shipping objects, see the Multiple Shipment Architecture Overview.

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