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ProfileContext Class (BCL)

Creates an abstraction for the Commerce Server profile service component.

You use the ProfileContext object to manipulate Profile objects and SiteTerm objects, and to gain access to the OLEDB Provider for Commerce Server for bulk profile manipulations.

When running in the Commerce Server .NET Application framework, a default ProfileContext instance is created and exposed through the ProfileSystem property of the CommerceContext object.

This class is sealed.

**** Microsoft.CommerceServer.Runtime.Profiles.ProfileContext

Public Instance Constructor

Constructor Description
ProfileContext Constructor(String, DebugContext) Creates a new instance of the ProfileContext class using the connection string to the profile definitions store.
ProfileContext Constructor(String, String, DebugContext) Creates a new instance of the ProfileContext class using the connection strings to the profile definitions store and the OLEDB Provider for Commerce Server.
ProfileContext Constructor(String, String, String, DebugContext) Creates a new instance of the ProfileContext class using the connection strings to the profile definitions store, the OLEDB Provider for Commerce Server, and the bizdata store.


Public Instance Methods

Method Description
CreateProfile(Int32, String) Creates a new profile object instance with the specified primary key value (as an integer) and profile definition.
CreateProfile(String, String) Creates a new profile object instance with the specified primary key value (as a string) and profile definition.
CreateProfile(String, String, String, ProfileXmlFormat) Creates a new profile object instance with the specified primary key value (as a string), profile definition, XML string describing the initial state of the profile object, and the XML format type.
DeleteProfile(Int32, String) Deletes the specified profile object.
DeleteProfile(String, String) Deletes the specified profile object.
DeleteProfile(String, Int32, String) Deletes the specified profile object.
DeleteProfile(String, String, String) Deletes the specified profile object.
Dispose Releases resources used by this object.
GetProfile(Int32, String) Retrieves the specified profile object.
GetProfile(String, String) Retrieves the specified profile object.
GetProfile(String, Int32, String) Retrieves the specified profile object.
GetProfile(String, String, String) Retrieves the specified profile object.
GetSiteTerm(String) Initializes the SiteTerms collection and returns the specified site term.


Public Instance Properties

Property Description
CommerceOleDbProvider Accesses the OLE DB Provider for Commerce Server handle.
SiteTermNames Gets the SiteTerms collection.



Namespace: Microsoft.CommerceServer.Runtime.Profiles

Platforms: Windows 2000, Windows Server 2003

Assembly: Microsoft.CommerceServer.Runtime.dll

See Also

Code to Build a Login Page

Code to Create and Set Profile Properties

Code to Retrieve and Display Profile Properties

Code to Use the SiteTerm Class

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