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EuroDisplay.Initialize Method (PIA)

Use this method to initialize the object with the specified alternate currency symbol, base currency symbol, alternate locale identifier, base locale identifier, and conversion rate.


[Visual Basic .NET]

Imports Microsoft.CommerceServer.Interop.Orders 
Public Sub Initialize(szBaseCurr As String,
  lBaseLCID As Integer,
  szAltCurr As String,
  lAltLCID As Integer,
  flEuroConvRate As Double)


using Microsoft.CommerceServer.Interop.Orders;
public void EuroDisplay.Initialize(stringszBaseCurr,


[Visual Basic .NET]

  • szBaseCurr
    A String that contains the base currency symbol string.
  • lBaseLCID
    An Integer that contains the base locale identifier.
  • szAltCurr
    A String that contains the alternate currency symbol string.
  • lAltLCID
    An Integer that contains the alternate locale identifier.
  • flEuroConvRate
    A Double (8-byte floating point number) that contains the rate at which to convert the base currency into the alternate currency. For example, if the base currency is Swiss Francs which are exchanged at a rate of 1 SF = 2.1 Euros, and the alternate currency is Euro, then this parameter will have a value of 2.1.


  • szBaseCurr
    A string that contains the base currency symbol string.
  • lBaseLCID
    An int that contains the base locale identifier.
  • szAltCurr
    A string that contains the alternate currency symbol string.
  • lAltLCID
    An int that contains the alternate locale identifier.
  • flEuroConvRate
    A double (8-byte floating point number) that contains the rate at which to convert the base currency into the alternate currency. For example, if the base currency is Swiss Francs which are exchanged at a rate of 1 SF = 0.63 Euros, and the alternate currency is Euro, then this parameter will have a value of 0.63.


This method may throw one of many mapped exceptions or an exception of type COMException. See Standard COM Errors for additional details.

[Visual Basic .NET]


' oEuroDisp is a Commerce.EuroDisplay object
' In this example, the Base Currency symbol string
' is "$" and the Base locale identifier is 1033; the Alt
' Currency symbol string is "DM"; the Base locale identifier
'  is 1037, and the conversion rate is $ 1 = 2.3 DM.

oEuroDisp.Initialize ("$", 1033, "DM", 1037, 2.3)


Namespace: Microsoft.CommerceServer.Interop.Orders

Platforms: Windows 2000, Windows Server 2003

Assembly: eurodisplib (in eurodisplib.dll)

See Also

EuroDisplay Class

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