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Creating an Ad

The Content Selection Framework (CSF) processes the variables that you specify for an ad: campaign goaling, exposure limit, schedule, weight, page groups, and target groups. Each time a user visits your site, it determines whether the ad is to be displayed. For information about the CSF, see Content Selection Framework Concepts.

You create an ad to schedule delivery of your advertisements. An ad is a campaign item that typically has a delivery goal, date ranges, and target attributes. After you create the ad, you can schedule the ad, specify the Web pages where the ad is to appear, and target the ad at a specified group of users. You can also specify your ad display. For example, may want an ad that contains text and an image or you may want an ad that contains text only. After you specify the appearance of the ad, you can preview the ad display.

If you want to use ads in multiple languages, you must recreate each ad in the appropriate language.

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