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EnsureAuthAccess - Solution Sites Routine

This function implements page-level access control. It grants access to users who are either authenticated to Internet Information Services (IIS), using Basic/Integrated Windows authentication, or have an AUTH_TICKET. Call this function from within the Main subroutine on every page that requires such access control. A call to this function must appear before any other statement in the Main subroutine.


Function EnsureAuthAccess()

Return Value

Users who do not have a current profile are redirected to the "missing profile" error page (error\profile.asp). Otherwise, the function returns a Recordset object containing the current profile of the user.

Defined in File


Routines Called



Called By

Main (_setadrs.asp)

Main (addrbook.asp)

Main (newaddr.asp)

Main (po.asp)

Main (services\change_password.asp)

Main (services\customer\account.asp)

Main (services\customer\orders.asp)

Main (services\customer\view_order.asp)

Main (services\partner\account.asp)

Main (services\partner\edit_user.asp)

Main (services\partner\orders.asp)

Main (services\partner\users.asp)

Main (services\partner\view_order.asp)

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