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Predictor Service Account

The account assigned to the Predictor service must have access to the following when Commerce Server is configured to use Windows Authentication:

  • Administration database: db_datareader role
  • Data Warehouse databases: db_datareader, db_datawriter, and db_ddladmin
  • List Manager tables: Assign Select, Update, Insert and Delete permissions
  • Campaigns database. Assign db_ddladmin, db_datawriter, and db_datareader

For information about the tables accessed by the Predictor service, see Securing a Predictor Deployment.

Use Different Accounts for Predictor Service and Model Builder DTS Task

When the Predictor service and the Model Builder DTS task use different accounts, but both accounts are Administrators, the Model Builder task will fail with a permission denied error.

To solve this issue, configure the accounts using one of the following options:

  • Change the Predictor service account to use the local system account, and then restart the Predictor service.
  • Use Dcomcnfg.exe to set the security configuration for the Predictor service component. For more information about using Dcomcnfg, see the Microsoft Knowledge Based article number Q328522, available at
  1. Click Start, click Run, type Dcomcnfg, and then press Enter.
  2. On the Applications tab, select Microsoft Commerce Server Predictor Service, and then click Properties.
  3. On the Security tab, select Use custom access permissions, and then click Edit.
  4. On the Registry Value Permissions dialog box, click Add.
  5. Add the Administrators group on local computer, in the Type of Access box, select Allow Access.
  6. The Administrators group must have the Log on as a service right.
  7. Click OK to save your the changes, click OK to exit the Properties dialog box, and then click OK to exit Dcomcnfg.
  8. Restart the Predictor service.

See Also

Securing a Predictor Deployment

Deploying Predictor

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