Configuration Data

The TreeView HTC requires that the tree to be displayed be passed to it in the form of an Extensible Markup Language (XML) data-island. This data-island contains the data to be displayed in the tree, configuration attributes about how that data should be displayed, and configuration information about any custom operations defined for this instance of the TreeView HTC. The container attribute DataXML is set to the value of the id attribute of this data-island.

It is important to note that the TreeView HTC is the only Commerce Server Business Desk HTC for which configuration information is combined into the same data-island with the data itself. In other words, there is no MetaXML container attribute to specify for the TreeView HTC. Data and configuration information are provided in a single data-island, specified by the DataXML container attribute. The nested nature of the elements provides the nesting shown in the displayed tree.

The names of all of the elements in the data-island for the TreeView HTC are arbitrary, though there are circumstances where the element name itself is displayed to the user. The XML elements and attributes in the TreeView HTC configuration may be expressed in uppercase or lowercase letters. The arbitrary elements may contain data, but need not.

For detailed information about the structure of this XML data-island, see TreeView Configuration.

For more information about the ways in which an XML document can be included on a page (creating an XML data-island), see XML Data-Islands.

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