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CatalogSets2 Object [C++]

Use this object to work with catalog sets in the Product Catalog System. Catalog sets allow you to present different collections of catalogs to different users and organizations.


ProgID:   Commerce.Catalogsets2 (Externally creatable)
COM Class Name:   Catalogsets2
COM Interface Name:   _Catalogsets2
Interface ID Constant:   None
Header File:   None
Type Library Name:   Microsoft Commerce 2002 Catalog Sets Type Library
DLL Name:   CatalogSets.dll
Threading Model:   Apartment

[Visual Basic]

ProgID:   Commerce.CatalogSets2 (Externally creatable)
COM Class Name:   CatalogSets2
Type Library Name:   Microsoft Commerce 2002 Catalog Sets Type Library
DLL Name:   CatalogSets.dll
Threading Model:   Apartment


In C++, use the _CatalogSets2 interface to access the properties and methods of the CatalogSets2 object.

Because this object is primarily intended for use within ASP script, access from C++ will not be common.

The CatalogSets2 object properties are useful if you have changed the ProfileSchema (from the default shipped version) or if you use Active Directory. In these cases, the UserObject-OrganizationObject table join-key is different than the default one. 



Method Description
CreateCatalogSet Creates a new catalog set.
DeleteCatalogSet Deletes the specified catalog set.
GetCatalogs Returns a list of all catalogs.
GetCatalogSetIDForUser Returns the catalog set ID for a user.
GetCatalogSetInfo Returns information about the specified catalog set.
GetCatalogSets Returns a list of all catalog sets.
GetCatalogsForUser Returns a list of catalogs associated with the specified user.
GetCatalogsInCatalogSet Returns a list of catalogs associated with the specified catalog set.
GetCatalogsNotInCatalogSet Returns a list of all catalogs not associated with the specified catalog set.
Initialize Initializes the CatalogSets object.
RemoveCatalogFromCatalogSets Remove a catalog from all catalog sets.
UpdateCatalogSet Allows modification of an existing catalog set.

[Visual Basic]

Method Description
CreateCatalogSet Creates a new catalog set.
DeleteCatalogSet Deletes the specified catalog set.
GetCatalogs Returns a list of all catalogs.
GetCatalogSetIDForUser Returns the catalog set ID for a user.
GetCatalogSetInfo Returns information about the specified catalog set.
GetCatalogSets Returns a list of all catalog sets.
GetCatalogsForUser Returns a list of catalogs associated with the specified user.
GetCatalogsInCatalogSet Returns a list of catalogs associated with the specified catalog set.
GetCatalogsNotInCatalogSet Returns a list of all catalogs not associated with the specified catalog set.
Initialize Initializes the CatalogSets object.
RemoveCatalogFromCatalogSets Remove a catalog from all catalog sets.
UpdateCatalogSet Allows modification of an existing catalog set.



Property Type Description
OrganizationObjectCatalogSetKey BSTR Stores the CatalogSet key for the organization object.

This property is read/write.

OrganizationObjectCategoryName BSTR Stores the category name for the organization object.

This property is read/write.

OrganizationObjectJoinKey BSTR Stores the join key for the organization object.

This property is read/write.

OrganizationObjectName BSTR Stores the name of the organization object.

This property is read/write.

UserObjectCatalogSetKey BSTR Stores the CatalogSet key for the user object.

This property is read/write.

UserObjectCategoryName BSTR Stores the category name for the user object.

This property is read/write.

UserObjectJoinKey BSTR Stores the join key for the user object.

This property is read/write.

UserObjectName BSTR Stores the name of the user object.

This property is read/write.

UserObjectOrganizationKey BSTR Stores the organization key for the user object.

This property is read/write.

[Visual Basic]

Property Type Description
OrganizationObjectCatalogSetKey String Stores the CatalogSet key for the organization object.

This property is read/write.

OrganizationObjectCategoryName String Stores the category name for the organization object.

This property is read/write.

OrganizationObjectJoinKey String Stores the join key for the organization object.

This property is read/write.

OrganizationObjectName String Stores the name of the organization object.

This property is read/write.

UserObjectCatalogSetKey String Stores the CatalogSet key for the user object.

This property is read/write.

UserObjectCategoryName String Stores the category name for the user object.

This property is read/write.

UserObjectJoinKey String Stores the join key for the user object.

This property is read/write.

UserObjectName String Stores the name of the User object.

This property is read/write.

UserObjectOrganizationKey String Stores the organization key for the user object.

This property is read/write.


This object is similar to the CatalogSets object. It has the same methods, but adds new properties for the profile schema keys. The default values of the properties are the same as the fixed values used by the CatalogSets object.

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