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This class represents user profile data. By default, the Commerce Server 2000 User Profile Data Import Data Transformation Services (DTS) Task imports data from the UserObject table into this class. Data in this table may or may not correspond to users of the Commerce Server 2000 Web site.

Data Members

Data Member Name Data Type Default Value Description
AccountClass LONG None Stores a classification code for the user account.
AccountStatus LONG None Stores the account status for the user:

0 - inactive
1 - active

ApprovalLimit LONG None Stores the approved spending limit for the user.
ApprovalLimitCurrency WSTR None Stores the type of currency for the spending limit.
ApprovingManagerID LONG None Stores an identifier code for the manager who approved the spending limit for the user.
AuthType SHORT None Stores the type of authentication required for the user.
DateCreated FILETIME None Records when the object was created.
DateLastChanged FILETIME None Records when the object was last changed.
DateRegistered FILETIME None Records the date and time when the user registered on the site.
DefaultBlanketPONumber WSTR None Stores the default purchase order number for the user.
DefaultBlanketPOProfileID LONG None Stores the default purchase order profile ID.
DefaultCostCenterNumber WSTR None Stores the default cost center identifier.
DefaultCostCenterProfileID LONG None Stores the default cost center profile identifier.
Email WSTR None Stores the e-mail address for the user.
EmployeeClassID LONG None Stores a classification code for the user employee ID.
FaxNumber WSTR None Stores the fax number of the user.
FirstName WSTR None Stores the first name of the user.
ID UUID {00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000} None
IDCode WSTR None Stores a code for the user ID.
IDCodeQualifier WSTR None Stores a code for the qualifier of the user identification.
LastName WSTR None Stores the last name of the user.
LocationID LONG None Not used.
Logon_Name WSTR None Stores the logon name of the user.
Name WSTR None Not used.
OrgID WSTR None Stores an identifier of the organization for the user.
ShipToID LONG None Not used.
ShipToMethodCode LONG None Stores a code for the method of shipping preferred by the user.
SiteName WSTR Not available None
TelephoneNumber WSTR None Stores the phone number of the user.
UserID WSTR Not available Stores the unique key for the object.
UserIDChangedBy WSTR None Records who last changed/set the UserID.
UserTitle WSTR None Stores the title of the user.
UserType LONG Registered (1). Stores the user type:

0 - Guest (Anonymous)
1 - Registered

Class Key

RegisteredUserKey is composed of a single data member, UserID.


For a description of the relation type, see Data Warehouse Classes.

Relation Name Parent Child Type
AddressUserRel Address RegisteredUser 2
RegisteredUserBasketRel RegisteredUser Basket 2
RegisteredUserCampaignEventRel RegisteredUser CampaignEvent 2
RegisteredUserOpenUserVisit RegisteredUser OpenUserVisit 2
RegisteredUserOrderRel RegisteredUser Order 2
RegisteredUserRequestRel RegisteredUser Request 2
RegisteredUserUserRel RegisteredUser LogUser 2
RegisteredUserVisitInfoRel RegisteredUser VisitInfo 2
SiteRegisteredUserRel Site RegisteredUser 3
UserToOrderGroup RegisteredUser OrderGroup 2

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