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PredictorServiceSiteAdmin Object


Use this object to manage analysis models and model configurations.

ProgID:   Commerce.PredictorSiteAdmin (Externally creatable)
COM Class Name:   PredictorServiceSiteAdmin
Type Library Name:   Microsoft Commerce 2000 Predictor Service Type Library
EXE Name:   PredServ.exe
Threading Model:   Both

The properties of the PredictorServiceSiteAdmin object are shown in the following table.

Property Type Description
lCaseCount Long Retrieves the number of cases used by a model configuration.

This property is read-only.

dModelInfo Object Retrieves information on the specified model.

This property is read-only.

SegmentLabels Variant Stores the segment labels for a segment model.

This property is read/write.

The methods of the PredictorServiceSiteAdmin object are shown in the following table.

Method Description
DeleteModel Deletes the specified predictor model.
DeleteModelConfig Deletes the specified model configuration.
GenerateSegmentList Generates a list of members of a segment.
Init Initializes the server.
RenameModel Renames a predictor model.
RenameModelConfig Renames a model configuration.


An analysis model summarizes dependency relationships among attributes found in data. A model configuration contains information used to build the analysis model.

Two types of analysis models are available. A prediction model is used to produce a ranked list of recommendations or to fill in a missing user profile attribute. A segment model is used to group similar users into segments of a population.

The PredictorServiceAdmin object contains lists of the available models and model configurations. The PredictorClient object loads the appropriate model and makes the actual predictions. The generation of new models is controlled by the PredModelBuilder object.

See Also

Prediction Objects

Predictor Schema

PredictorClient Object

PredictorServiceAdmin Object

PredModelBuilder Object

Running the Predictor Resource

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