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Configuring a Web Server

In Commerce Server Manager, the Commerce Web server objects contain properties needed by the Data Warehouse in order to import log files. When you add a Web server to an application, these properties are automatically populated from Internet Information Services (IIS) 5.0 and stored in the Administration database.

To configure a Web server

  1. Expand Commerce Server Manager, expand Commerce Sites, and then click the site you want to administer.

  2. Expand Applications, then expand the application that contains the Web server you want to configure. Right-click the Web server object and then click Properties.

  3. In the Properties dialog box, do the following:

    Use this To do this
    Server name Type the name of the computer on which the Web server is installed. Change the name only if you have renamed your server.
    IP Address This box displays the Internet Protocol (IP) address for the Web server. This value is initially read from IIS.
    Log file path Type the log file path to which the IIS Web site writes events, for example, C:\Winnt\System32\LogFiles\Log1. This value is initially read from IIS.
    Log file period Select the log file period from the drop-down list. The log file period indicates how long the IIS Web site writes to a log file before it creates a new file. This value is initially read from IIS.
  4. Click OK.

See Also

Web Servers

Configuring an Application

Adding a Non-Commerce Application and Web Server

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