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Configuration Initialization Routines


The following configuration initialization routines are defined in this file:

  • GetAppConfigObject
    This function returns an initialized AppConfig object. It sets the global variable dictConfig to the Dictionary object returned by the GetOptionsDictionary method of the AppConfig object, and adds the s_SecureHostName and s_NonSecureHostName values from the SiteConfig object to the dictConfig dictionary.
  • GetBaseURL
    This function returns the base URL for this application.
  • GetCommerceSiteInstallPoint
    This function returns one of the constants HOME_DIRECTORY or VIRTUAL_DIRECTORY, depending on whether the application was installed at the root of the website or in a virtual directory, respectively.
  • GetCommerceSiteName
    This function returns the Commerce Server site name stored in the global page variable MSCSCommerceSiteName.
  • GetComputerName
    This function returns the name of the computer.
  • GetConfigDictionary
    This function returns the Dictionary object returned by a call to the GetOptionsDictionary method of the AppConfig object.
  • GetINIFileName
    This function returns the file name for the .ini file containing the site configuration information.
  • GetINIString
    This function returns the value of the specified key or "" (an empty string) if the key or its value cannot be found.
  • GetMachineBaseURL
    This function returns the base URL for this application, and specifically for this server.
  • GetPaymentMethodsForSite
    This function returns the payment methods for the site. This function must run after the MessageManager object is assigned.
  • GetRootPath
    This function returns the file path to the root of the application.
  • GetSecurePagesDictionary
    This function returns the Dictionary object containing the names of the secure site pages.
  • GetSiteConfigObject
    This function creates, initializes, and returns a SiteConfig object.
  • GetSitePages
    This function assigns friendly names to pages in the site. Friendly names are also used by PageSets and the GetSecurePagesDictionary function.
  • iGetWebServerPort
    This function returns the Web server port number being used for the site. For Web farms, it is assumed that the sites on all servers are using the same port number.
  • InitPageSets
    This function creates sets of related pages, which are returned in a Dictionary object, where each entry in the dictionary is a string of comma-separated page names.
  • InitSitePipelines
    This function creates and initializes a Dictionary object with an entry for each pipeline configuration file (PCF) used in the site. It also establishes pipeline logging settings.
  • IsActiveDirectoryPresent
    This function determines whether Active Directory is being used by the Profile Service, returning True if it is being used, and False otherwise.
  • JoinWebFarm
    This sub adds the current Web server to the Web farm, if the machine is not already recognized as being so. This routine will run in the case where a site was replicated using Microsoft Application Center 2000, or other cases where the site was not installed using Commerce Site Packager.
  • sGetActiveDirectoryDefaultNamingContext
    This function gets the Active Directory domain name.

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