Changing Catalog.asp
Edit the catalog.asp file so that catalog set restrictions can be viewed from the site.
To change Catalog.asp
Open the catalog.asp file by using a plain-text application such as Microsoft Notepad. The catalog.asp file is located in the <drive>:\inetpub\wwwroot\<site name>\include folder on the Commerce Server computer, where <drive> is the drive where IIS is installed.
Within the catalog.asp file, search for the function mscsUserCatalogsetID.
Within this function, search for the text string:
Set rsOrg = rsGetProfileByKey(FIELD_ORG_ORG_ID, org_id, PROFILE_TYPE_ORG, False)
Replace this text string with the following text:
Set rsOrg = rsGetProfileByKey(FIELD_ORG_NAME, org_id, PROFILE_TYPE_ORG, False)
Within the catalog.asp file, search for the following function:
mscsUserCatalogsFromID(ByVal CatalogSetID)
Within this function, search for the following text:
Set mscsCatalogSets = Server.CreateObject("Commerce.CatalogSets")
Replace the text listed above with the following text:
Set mscsCatalogSets = Server.CreateObject("Commerce.CatalogSets2") mscsCatalogSets.OrganizationObjectJoinKey = FIELD_ORG_NAME
Within the catalog.asp file, search for the following function:
Replace all of the text in this function with the following text:
Dim userCatalogsetID userCatalogsetID = mscsUserCatalogsetID() set mscsUserCatalogs = mscsUserCatalogsFromID(userCatalogsetID)
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