Base Action Page Styles
Action pages in Commerce Server Business Desk have certain basic styles to which they conform, allowing them to be changed centrally, in the file Bizdesk.css.
These styles are defined for certain HTML elements, and also for elements associated with particular class and id attribute values. These three categories of styles are discussed separately below.
Element Styles
Defines style characteristics used when rendering an anchor tag.
Defines base style characteristics used when rendering the body tag.
Defines style characteristics used when rendering a button tag.
Defines style characteristics used when rendering a DIV tag.
Defines style characteristics used when rendering a form.
Defines style characteristics used when rendering a first-level heading.
Defines style characteristics used when rendering a second-level heading.
Defines style characteristics used when rendering a third-level heading.
Defines style characteristics used when rendering a fourth-level heading.
Defines style characteristics used when rendering a fifth-level heading.
Defines style characteristics used when rendering a sixth-level heading.
Defines style characteristics used when rendering a single line text box element.
Defines style characteristics used when rendering a label element.
Defines style characteristics used when rendering a selection option element.
Defines style characteristics used when rendering a paragraph.
Defines style characteristics used when rendering a selection element.
Defines style characteristics used when rendering a span element.
Defines style characteristics used when rendering a span element that has had the class "bdexpandicon" associated with it. The "bdexpandicon" class is used for elements that contain the characters "3", "4", "5", or "6" that are displayed with the Webdings font to produce left, right, up, or down arrows, respectively.
Defines style characteristics used when rendering the content that has been designated as strong.
Defines style characteristics used when rendering a normal table cell.
Defines style characteristics used when rendering a multi-line text box element.
Defines style characteristics used when rendering a table heading cell.
Class Styles
Defines a base style for shared characteristics used when rendering buttons in the content pane. This class should be used for any buttons displayed anywhere in Business Desk.
Defines style characteristics applied to debug text when debugging is enabled by setting the global variable SHOW_DEBUG_TEXT to True in the file Global.asa.
Defines style characteristics used when rendering the main page containing element (usually a DIV) on an edit page.
Defines style characteristics used when rendering the wait display in the content pane, the ExpressionBuilder HTC, or the ListSheet HTC.
Defines style characteristics used when rendering an element using the webding font. The "webdings" class is most often used for elements that contain the characters "3", "4", "5", or "6" that are displayed with the Webdings font to produce left, right, up, or down arrows, respectively.
ID Styles
Defines style characteristics used when rendering the content area containing element (usually a DIV) on an action page, located between the task bar and the status bar.
Defines style characteristics used when rendering the help button area, located at the right end of the task bar.