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Commerce Server .NET Application Framework Tutorial

Microsoft Commerce Server 2002 provides tight integration with Microsoft Visual Studio .NET. This enables developers to make use of the integrated development environment to build and manage Commerce Server applications, and to use Microsoft .NET Application Framework and its tools.

The intended audience for this tutorial is the developer, and its goal is to provide limited exposure to the Visual Studio .NET integrated development environment as it is used with Commerce Server. It does not cover the entire functionality and features provided in the product.

Before you begin this tutorial, you must have installed both Microsoft Commerce Server 2002 with its .NET components and Microsoft Visual Studio .NET installed.

After following this step-by-step tutorial, you will be able to use the .NET features in Commerce Server 2002 to do the following:

  • Register and authenticate on your Web site
  • Build and implement your product catalog
  • Use orders, baskets, and pipelines
  • Target users with marketing campaigns
  • Use debugging and tracing features


  • The code samples provided in the tutorial are used to demonstrate Commerce Server 2002 functionality only and should not be considered best practices.
  • If you copy and paste the sample code provided in the tutorial, the correct formatting may be lost. To preserve the correct formatting, paste the sample code in Notepad before you paste it in Microsoft Visual Studio .NET.

This tutorial contains:

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