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Use this method to save the OrderGroup object to the database with a basket status.


Function SaveAsBasket() As Variant



Return Values

If this method completes successfully, it returns a Variant that specifies the OrderGroupID.

Error Values

This method sets the Number property of the global Err object to S_OK (&H00000000) to indicate success and to standard COM error values to indicate failure. For more information about standard COM errors, see Standard COM Errors. Additional information may be available using the global Err object. In particular, the Description property may contain a text description of the error.


The pvtRetVal parameter points to valid data only if the method completed successfully.

This method sets the OrderGroup status to "basket", and sets the OrderGroupID equal to the user ID.

If the OrderGroup object was not loaded from a basket, this method deletes any existing on-disk basket before inserting into the data storage.

If the OrderGroup object was loaded from a basket, this method performs an update or insert depending on whether the OrderGroup was found on-disk on the load call. If you load a template or order and call the SaveAsBasket method, the template or order which was originally loaded remains unchanged on disk.

For more information about memory ownership issues related to COM property and method parameters, see Managing COM Parameter Memory.


' oOrderGroup is a Commerce.OrderGroup object
' vResult is a Variant
vResult = oOrderGroup.SaveAsBasket()

See Also

OrderGroup Object




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