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Use this component to send a direct mail message composed in earlier stages in the pipeline.

Although the component appears as SendPrecomposedMessage in the Pipeline Editor, its ProgID is Commerce.DMLSendPrecomposedMessage.

Intended use: Direct Mailer pipeline, Send E-mail stage.

Configuration Values


Values Read

The SendPrecomposedMessage component reads the following values from the indicated dictionaries.

Key Dictionary Description
rcp_bypass Order Boolean. The component bypasses (skips) processing if True.
cdo_result Order The result code (an HRESULT) from the most recent Collaboration Data Objects (CDO) operation.
cdo_message Context A reference to the CDO message object (CDO.Message).

Values Written

The SendPrecomposedMessage component writes the following values to the Order dictionary.

Key Description
messages_sent The total number of messages sent for this pipeline cycle.
cdo_result The result code (an HRESULT) from the most recent CDO operation.
cdo_error Optional. An error string from the most recent CDO operation, if any. NULL if there is no error.


The SendPrecomposedMessage component attempts to send a direct mail message using CDO for Microsoft Windows 2000. The component skips processing the message if the bypass flag (rcp_bypass) is True or if the cdo_result key is not equal to S_OK.

The component checks for errors after each CDO operation.

See Also







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