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MessageManager Object


Use this object to store error messages in multiple languages that the Order Processing pipeline (OPP) components use to describe error conditions generated during order processing.

ProgID:   Commerce.MessageManager (Externally creatable)
COM Class Name:   MSCSMessageManager_3_0
COM Interface Name:   IMSCSMessageManager_3_0
Interface ID Constant:   IID_IMSCSMessageManager_3_0
Header File:   commerce.h, mspu_guids.h
Type Library Name:   Commerce -- MSCSAspHelp Type Library
DLL Name:   MSCSAspHelp.dll
Threading Model:   Both

In C++, use the IMSCSMessageManager_3_0 interface to access the properties and methods of the MessageManager object.

Because this object is primarily intended for use within ASP script, access from C++ will not be common.

The single property of the MessageManager object is shown in the following table.

Property Type Description
defaultLanguage BSTR Specifies the default message set for the MessageManager.

This property is read/write.

The methods of the MessageManager object are shown in the following table.

Method Description
AddLanguage Adds a new message set to the MessageManager object and associates that message set with a locale.
AddMessage Adds a new message to the MessageManager object.
GetLocale Returns the locale for the specified message set.
GetMessage Returns the message associated with the specified message name constant.

See Also

Display Objects

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