RequiredItemPriceCy, RequiredItemPrice

Use this component to verify that each item in the order form has a regular price assigned to it. Regular prices are assigned by the DefaultItemPrice component and similar components.

The RequiredItemPrice component is for backward compatibility only. The RequiredItemPriceCy component operates in both Site Server 3.0 Commerce Edition compatibility mode and in Commerce Server 2000 mode pipelines. For more information, see Currency Enhancements.

Intended use: Order Processing pipeline, Item Price stage.

Configuration Values


Values Read

The RequiredItemPriceCy component reads the following values from the indicated dictionaries. The RequiredItemPrice component reads the same key but without cy_.

Key Dictionary Description
item._cy_iadjust_regularprice Order The regular price of an item.

Values Written



The RequiredItemPriceCy and RequiredItemPrice components perform the same actions although on different dictionary keys. The following discussion uses the keys for the RequiredItemPriceCy component.

The RequiredItemPriceCy component verifies that the _cy_iadjust_regularprice key has been set for each item in the items list.

Before the RequiredItemPrice component is run, the items list should have been initialized by the DefaultItemPriceCy component to contain the most current pricing information for the item.

If the _cy_iadjust_regularprice key does not contain a value, an error is raised.

See Also

DefaultItemPriceCy, DefaultItemPrice

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