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How to Install Commerce Server 2009 R2 Using the Command Line

You can install Commerce Server 2009 R2 from the command line interface, in passive or silent mode for unattended installation. With unattended installation, you can install Commerce Server 2009 R2 on remote computers without requiring user intervention.

To perform an unattended installation, you use the setup.exe command with command-line options. When you perform an unattended installation, the installation program does not display messages. Instead, a log file captures the installation information that includes whether the installation was successful.

You can also specify a list of Commerce Server 2009 R2 components for installation in an XML file and specify the name of the file with the setup.exe command. This allows you to replicate the same setup on additional machines using unattended installation. You can create the XML file by running the Setup Wizard once, or modify the sample XML file located in the SampleFeatures directory. See Sample Feature List File for information about the structure and content of the file.

To install Commerce Server 2009 R2 from the command line

  1. Open a command prompt window and navigate to the directory that contains the Setup.exe file (the root directory of the software CD).

  2. Type the setup.exe command with the appropriate options and parameters, as described below.

    For example, to install Commerce Server 2009 R2 in silent mode using an XML file to specify a list of components, type the following and press Enter::

    Setup.exe /product commerceServer /featurelist "C:\XMLConfigFiles\FeaturesToInstall.xml" /quiet 

    To install all Commerce Server 2009 R2 features in passive mode, type:

    Setup.exe /product commerceserver /addlocal ALL /passive /norestart

    To install the Desktop Business Tools only in passive mode, type:

    Setup.exe /product csui /addlocal ALL /passive /norestart

    To install the BizTalk Adapters only in passive mode, type:

    Setup.exe /product csBtsAdapters /addlocal ALL /norestart

    See the following table for information about each option and its associated parameters.



    /product <product>

    Specifies the type of product installation (that is, the complete Commerce Server 2009 R2 Enterprise or Standard Edition, the Desktop Business Management Tools only, or the BizTalk Adapters only).

    Possible values for the /product option are:

    • commerceServer (full Enterprise or Standard edition)

    • csUi (Desktop Business Management Tools only)

    • csBtsAdapters (BizTalk Adapters only)

    You must use the /product option in conjunction with the /addlocal or the /featurelist option, to specify the set of components you want to install.

    /featurelist "<path\XML file>"

    Installs components as described in the specified XML file. See Sample Feature List File for information about the structure and content of the file. You must specify the absolute path to the file as well as the file name.

    You must use the /featurelist option in conjunction with the /product option.

    /addlocal  <feature list> or all

    Installs all or a subset of features (specified by a comma-delimited list).

    You must use the /addlocal option in conjunction with the /product option. The following table lists the features available with each /product value.

    When /product value is …Possible /addlocal values are …
    • Feature.MS.CS.Server

    • Feature.MS.CS.DirectMailer

    • Feature.MS.CS.CsStaging

    • Feature.MS.CS.HealthMonitoring

    • Feature.MS.CS.Presentation

    • Feature.MS.CS.Adapters

    • Feature.MS.CS.UI

    • Feature.MS.CS.CatalogUI

    • Feature.MS.CS.CatInvSchManUI

    • Feature.MS.CS.MarketingUI

    • Featuire.MS.CS.OrdersUI

    • Feature.MS.CS.Dev

    • Feature.MS.CS.PartnersSDK

    • Feature.MS.CS.WebBizMgmtTools

    • Feature.MS.CS.CompleteDoc

    • Feature.MS.CS.UI

    • Feature.MS.CS.CatalogUI

    • Feature.MS.CS.CatInvSchManUI

    • Feature.MS.CS.MarketingUI

    • Featuire.MS.CS.OrdersUI

    • Feature.MS.CS.Adapters


    Installs in silent mode (unattended installation).


    Installs in passive mode. The setup utility only displays a progress bar.

    /installdir <path>

    Specifies the full path on which to install the product.

    /repair  <feature list> or all

    Repairs all or a subset of installed Commerce Server components (specified by a comma-delimited list).

    You must use the /product option in conjunction with the /repair option. See the table under the /addlocal option for a list of possible values.

    /remove  <feature list> or all

    Removes all or a subset of installed Commerce Server components (specified by a comma-delimited list).

    You must use the /product option in conjunction with the /remove option. See the table under the /addlocal option for a list of possible values.

    /l <path>

    Writes logging information to a log file at the specified path. Always uses verbose MSI logging, and appends to an existing file.


    Bypasses checks for redistributable prerequisites


    Suppresses restart prompts and automatic restarts when the installation is complete.


    Forces a restart when the installation is complete.

    /x or /uninstall

    Uninstalls Commerce Server 2009 R2.

    /help, or /?, or /h

    Displays quick reference information.

Sample Feature List File

Commerce Server 2009 R2 provides sample XML files for each type of installation (full Enterprise or Standard Edition, Desktop Business Management Tools only, or BizTalk Adapters only). You can modify these sample files to specify the Commerce Server components that you want to install. On a system where Commerce Server 2009 R2 is installed, the files are located in the <Commerce Server root>\SampleFeatures directory, along with the schema files used to validate the XML files.

If you are accessing the sample files from the Commerce Server 2009 R2 software image, the files are located in the following directory: <Commerce Server Edition>\dvd\btsmsi\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Commerce Server 9.0\SampleFeatures.

When you run the Commerce Server 2009 R2 Installation Wizard for the first time, Commerce Server creates a feature list XML file to capture the component selection and stores it in the <Commerce Server root>\Installed Features directory. You can use the file to replicate the same setup on different computers.

The XML file contains a list of features that correspond to each Commerce Server component. Each feature entry in the XML file appears as follows:

<Feature name=" " parent=" " action=" "/>

See the following table for a description of the attributes in each feature component entry.




The name of the Commerce Server component or sub-component.


The parent component. This field is empty for the main component that corresponds to the top-level Enterprise Edition or Standard Edition component in the Installation Wizard interface.


The action to perform on the component. Possible values are:

  • install

  • remove

  • none

The following is a sample XML file for a Commerce Server Enterprise Edition installation that includes the Commerce Server Foundation component, the Commerce Server Client (including SharePoint Web Parts and Templates), the Desktop Business Management Tools, and Developer Kits and Add-ins.

<?xml version="1.0" ?>




<Feature name="main" parent="" action="install"/>

<Feature name="server" parent="main" action=" install"/>

<Feature name="serverCore" parent="server" action="install"/>

<Feature name="dwa" parent="server" action="none"/>

<Feature name="directMailer" parent="server" action="install"/>

<Feature name="staging" parent="server" action="install"/>

<Feature name="healthMonitor" parent="server" action="install"/>

<Feature name="vss" parent="server" action="install"/>

<Feature name="client" parent="main" action="install"/>

<Feature name="clientLib" parent="client" action="install"/>

<Feature name="SharePointCommerce" parent="client" action="install"/>

<Feature name="adapters" parent="main" action="none"/>

<Feature name="desktopBusTools" parent="main" action="install"/>

<Feature name="catalogUI" parent="desktopBusTools" action="install"/>

<Feature name="inventoryUI" parent="desktopBusTools" action="install"/>

<Feature name="marketingUI" parent="desktopBusTools" action="install"/>

<Feature name="ordersUI" parent="desktopBusTools" action="install"/>

<Feature name="extKit" parent="main" action="install"/>

<Feature name="VS10" parent="extKit" action="install"/>

<Feature name="busToolExt" parent="extKit" action="install"/>

<Feature name="SharePointExt" parent="extKit" action="install"/>

<Feature name="webBusTools" parent="extKit" action="install"/>

<Feature name="docs" parent="main" action="install"/>
