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Microsoft.VisualStudio.Data.Schema.Project.Project Namespace

The Microsoft.VisualStudio.Data.Schema.Project.Project namespace provides interfaces and classes to support the Project feature. It supports the Visual Studio infrastructure and is not intended to be used directly from your code.


  Class Description
Public class AddFileRequest Represents the top-level node in the solution explorer.
Public class AddItemDialogContext Represents the add item dialog context.
Public class AddItemDialogHelper Used to capture the state of the add new item dialog box, which is how features can preserve information when the add new item dialog box is invoked.
Public class BuildActionChangeEventArgs Provides data when a project item's build action has changed.
Public class BuildActionConverter Used to change between the "Build" and "NotInBuild" build actions, as well as any build actions provided by the DSP extensions.
Public class BuildActionHelper You can access this type only internally; you cannot use it directly from your code. It is used to help features with the project's build action.
Public class BuildMacroRequestEventArgs Provides data for the BuildMacroRequest event.
Public class CanDeleteRequestEventArgs Provides data and control to features wishing to override the ability to delete a node from the Solution Explorer.
Public class CanEditRequestEventArgs Provides data and control to features that you want to override the ability to edit the caption of a node from the Solution Explorer.
Public class CatalogOrServerPropertyChangedEventArgs Provides data to the IDatabasePropertiesContainer CatalogOrServerPropertyChanged event, which is raised whenever the catalog or server properties are altered.
Public class ConfigurationAddedEventArgs Provides data for configuration added events.
Public class DatabaseProjectConfig You can access this type only internally; you cannot use it directly from your code. This class is used for configuration-specific properties.
Public class DatabaseReferenceSelectorData Used to return details on which references need to be created in the project system.
Public class DatabaseToolWindowService You can access this service from the DataPackage instance and also easily access the VSTSDB tool windows.
Public class DataSchemaModelRecycledEventArgs Provides the data associated with the schema manager recycled event.
Public class DataSchemaModelRecyclingEventArgs Provides the data associated with the schema manager recycling event.
Public class DragDropOrCopyPasteContext Provides context about what happened during a copy and paste or drag and drop operation.
Public class DragDropOrCopyPasteEventArgs Provides data that is useful after a drag and drop or copy and past operation has occurred.
Public class ExcludeFromProjectEventArgs Provides data for the file exclude event coming from the Solution Explorer.
Public class ExtenderCategories This type is only used internally; you cannot use it directly from your code. Specifies category IDs for extending database project nodes.
Public class ExtenderNames Represents the extender names.
Public class FileIconRequestEventArgs Provides data used when the core project system encounters a new file extension and requires an icon for the Solution Explorer.
Public class IncludeInProjectEventArgs Provides data for the file that includes events that come from the Solution Explorer.
Public class IsCodeFileRequestEventArgs Provides data to the project system IsCodeFile event.
Public class ItemAddedEventArgs Provides data to the event raised when a node is added to the Solution Explorer.
Public class ItemDeletedEventArgs Provides data to the event raised when a node is deleted from the Solution Explorer.
Public class ItemPropertyWizard This type is only used internally; you cannot use it directly from your code.
Public class NewProjectEventArgs Provides data for the IDatabaseProjectNode NewProjectCreated event.
Public class NodeAttributesChangedEventArgs Provides data for the IDatabaseProjectNode NodeAttributesChanged event.
Public class PreBuildEventArgs Provides data to the IDatabaseProjectNode PreBuild event.
Public class ProjectClosedEventArgs Provides data for the IDatabaseProjectNode ProjectClosed event.
Public class ProjectClosingEventArgs Provides data for the IDatabaseProjectNode ProjectClosing event.
Public class ProjectConstants Defines the project system non-localizable constants.
Public class ProjectEventArgs Provides data to several project events and acts as a base class for other event arguments raised from the project system.
Public class ProjectOpenedEventArgs Provides data to the IDatabaseProjectNode ProjectOpened event.
Public class ProjectOpeningEventArgs Provides data for the IDatabaseProjectNode ProjectOpening event.
Public class ProjectSavingEventArgs Provides data for the IDatabaseProjectNode ProjectSaving event.
Public class ProjectUpgradeException Represents the exception thrown when a project fails to upgrade.
Public class PropertyChangedEventArgs Provides data to the IDatabaseProjectNode ProjectPropertyChanged event, which is raised when the configuration or project properties are altered.
Public class PropertyChangingEventArgs Provides data to the IDatabaseProjectNode ProjectPropertyChanging event, which is raised when the configuration or project properties are about to be altered.
Public class RdtManager Manages the interaction with the Running Document Table (RDT) for any part of the system that needs such services.
Public class ServiceAddedEventArgs Provides data to the IDatabaseProjectNode ServiceAdded event.
Public class ShowDeleteRemoveMessageEventArgs Provides data for the IDatabaseProjectNode ShowDeleteRemoveMessage event.
Public class SolutionExplorerAddItemDialogContext Provides context to the Add Item dialog box when it is raised over the Solution Explorer.


  Structure Description
Public structure BuildActionDefinition Defines a new build action to be added to the project system.


  Interface Description
Public interface IAddNewItemParticipant Represents functionality for the Add New Item and Add Existing Item dialogs.
Public interface IBuildActionContributor Represents an extension point for adding build actions to the application-supplied actions.
Public interface IDatabaseFileNode Represents a file node in the Solution Explorer.
Public interface IDatabaseFileReferenceNode Represents a file reference node in the Solution Explorer.
Public interface IDatabaseFolderNode Represents a folder node in the Solution Explorer.
Public interface IDatabaseNode Represents the top level node in the Solution Explorer.
Public interface IDatabaseProjectConfiguration Represents a single configuration in the project system, such as "Debug".
Public interface IDatabaseProjectConfigurationProvider Represents the manager for all the project configurations.
Public interface IDatabaseProjectNode Represents the top-level node in the Solution Explorer.
Public interface IDatabaseProjectReferenceNode Represents a reference node that refers to another project.
Public interface IDatabasePropertiesContainer Represents the properties folder in the Solution Explorer.
Public interface IDatabaseReferenceContainer Represents the references folder in the Solution Explorer.
Public interface IDatabaseReferenceNavigator Represents navigation through references.
Public interface IDatabaseReferenceNode Represents a reference node in the Solution Explorer.
Public interface IGetDatabaseProjectNode You can use this typeonly internally; you cannot use it directly from your code. This interface is used only to give access to the database project from COM applications. This interface is implemented only by DatabaseProjectNode, and it returns the reference to itself in its only property.
Public interface IIdleProcessor Represents the project's idle processing loop.
Public interface IPartialProjectParticipant Represents the export of files to partial projects.
Public interface IPriorityCommandTarget Used to tell the project system to route to this command target prior to any other project features, or even the core project system itself.
Public interface IProjectFileUpgradeController Represents a controller that runs before the Visual Studio project system has been created -- it allows this object to directly upgrade the raw project XML file before opening a project.
Public interface IProjectReferenceController Represents the extension point that controls adding references to the project system.
Public interface IPropertiesFolderNode Represents a properties node in the Solution Explorer.
Public interface ISerializationParticipant Participates in the serialization and deserialization of the project.
Public interface IUserFileContributor Used to define properties that should be routed to the .user file.
Public interface IWorkloadProvider You can access this type only internally; you cannot use it directly from your code. Implement this interface to participate in the status bar rollup.


  Enumeration Description
Public enumeration EventPropagation You can only use this type internally and not directly from your code. Specifies the ability to raise or block events.
Public enumeration ProjectSyncOption Specifies a project synchronization option.
Public enumeration PropertyComparisonType Specifies a property comparison type.
Public enumeration TemplateDisplayResult Specifies a template display result.
Public enumeration TemplateStringType Specifies a template string type.