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HandlerElementCollection Methods

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Include Portable Class Library Members

The HandlerElementCollection type exposes the following members.


  Name Description
Public method Add Adds a handler configuration element to a HandlerElementCollection.
Protected method BaseAdd(ConfigurationElement, Boolean) Adds a configuration element to the configuration element collection. (Inherited from ConfigurationElementCollection.)
Protected method BaseClear Removes all configuration element objects from the collection. (Inherited from ConfigurationElementCollection.)
Protected method BaseGet(Int32) Gets the configuration element at the specified index location. (Inherited from ConfigurationElementCollection.)
Protected method BaseGet(Object) Returns the configuration element with the specified key. (Inherited from ConfigurationElementCollection.)
Protected method BaseGetAllKeys Returns an array of the keys for all of the configuration elements contained in the ConfigurationElementCollection. (Inherited from ConfigurationElementCollection.)
Protected method BaseGetKey Gets the key for the ConfigurationElement at the specified index location. (Inherited from ConfigurationElementCollection.)
Protected method BaseIsRemoved Indicates whether the ConfigurationElement with the specified key has been removed from the ConfigurationElementCollection. (Inherited from ConfigurationElementCollection.)
Protected method BaseRemove Removes a ConfigurationElement from the collection. (Inherited from ConfigurationElementCollection.)
Protected method BaseRemoveAt Removes the ConfigurationElement at the specified index location. (Inherited from ConfigurationElementCollection.)
Public method Clear Removes all elements from a HandlerElementCollection.
Public method CopyTo Copies the contents of the ConfigurationElementCollection to an array. (Inherited from ConfigurationElementCollection.)
Protected method DeserializeElement Reads XML from the configuration file. (Inherited from ConfigurationElement.)
Public method Equals Compares the ConfigurationElementCollection to the specified object. (Inherited from ConfigurationElementCollection.)
Public method GetEnumerator Infrastructure. Gets an IEnumerator which is used to iterate through the ConfigurationElementCollection. (Inherited from ConfigurationElementCollection.)
Public method GetHashCode Gets a unique value representing the ConfigurationElementCollection instance. (Inherited from ConfigurationElementCollection.)
Public method GetType Gets the Type of the current instance. (Inherited from Object.)
Protected method Init Sets the ConfigurationElement object to its initial state. (Inherited from ConfigurationElement.)
Protected method InitializeDefault Used to initialize a default set of values for the ConfigurationElement object. (Inherited from ConfigurationElement.)
Protected method IsModified Indicates whether this ConfigurationElementCollection has been modified since it was last saved or loaded when overridden in a derived class. (Inherited from ConfigurationElementCollection.)
Public method IsReadOnly Indicates whether the ConfigurationElementCollection object is read only. (Inherited from ConfigurationElementCollection.)
Public method Remove(HandlerElement) Removes the specified handler configuration element from a HandlerElementCollection.
Public method Remove(String) Removes the specified XAML root element from a HandlerElementCollection.
Public method RemoveAt Removes an element from a HandlerElementCollection at the specified index location.
Protected method Reset Resets the ConfigurationElementCollection to its unmodified state when overridden in a derived class. (Inherited from ConfigurationElementCollection.)
Protected method ResetModified Resets the value of the IsModified property to false when overridden in a derived class. (Inherited from ConfigurationElementCollection.)
Protected method SerializeElement Writes the configuration data to an XML element in the configuration file when overridden in a derived class. (Inherited from ConfigurationElementCollection.)
Protected method SerializeToXmlElement Writes the outer tags of this configuration element to the configuration file when implemented in a derived class. (Inherited from ConfigurationElement.)
Protected method SetReadOnly Infrastructure. Sets the IsReadOnly property for the ConfigurationElementCollection object and for all sub-elements. (Inherited from ConfigurationElementCollection.)
Public method ToString Returns a string that represents the current object. (Inherited from Object.)
Protected method Unmerge Infrastructure. Reverses the effect of merging configuration information from different levels of the configuration hierarchy (Inherited from ConfigurationElementCollection.)


Explicit Interface Implementations

  Name Description
Explicit interface implemetationPrivate method ICollection.CopyTo Copies the ConfigurationElementCollection to an array. (Inherited from ConfigurationElementCollection.)


See Also


HandlerElementCollection Class

System.Xaml.Hosting.Configuration Namespace