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IUIAutomation::CreatePropertyConditionEx Method

Creates a condition that selects elements that have a property with the specified value, using optional flags.


HRESULT CreatePropertyConditionEx(      
    PROPERTYID propertyId,
    VARIANT value,
    PropertyConditionFlags flags,
    IUIAutomationCondition **newCondition


  • propertyId
    [in] The property identifier. For a list of property IDs, see Property Identifiers.
  • value
    [in] A VARIANT that contains the property value.
  • flags
    [in] A combination of values from the PropertyConditionFlags enumerated type that affect the comparison.
  • newCondition
    [out, retval] The address of a variable that receives a pointer to an IUIAutomationCondition interface representing the condition.

Return Value

Returns S_OK if successful, or an error value otherwise.


Use this method to create a property condition that is not case-sensitive.

See Also

IUIAutomation::CreatePropertyCondition, IUIAutomationCondition, IUIAutomationElement::FindAll, IUIAutomationElement::FindAllBuildCache, IUIAutomationElement::FindFirst, IUIAutomationElement::FindFirstBuildCache, Working with Safe Arrays