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IMSVidCtl::get_FeaturesAvailable Method

This topic applies to Windows XP or later.
The get_FeaturesAvailable method retrieves the features that are available on the local system.


HRESULT get_FeaturesAvailable(
  [out]  IMSVidFeatures **ppVal


  • ppVal [out]
    Address of a variable that receives an IMSVidFeatures interface pointer.

Return Value

If the method succeeds, it returns S_OK. If it fails, it returns an error code.


This method returns a collection of feature objects. Use the returned IMSVidFeatures pointer to enumerate the collection. To activate a feature, add it to the active features collection. To search for a specific feature, call the IMSVidDevice::get__ClassID method on each feature and compare the result against the CLSID of the feature you are looking for.

The returned IMSVidFeatures interface has an outstanding reference count. The caller must release the interface.


Header Declared in Dshow.h.
DLL Requires Quartz.dll.

See Also

IMSVidCtl Interface

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Build date: 12/4/2008