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IProxyProviderWinEventSink::AddStructureChangedEvent Method

Raises a structure-changed event.


HRESULT AddStructureChangedEvent(      
    IRawElementProviderSimple *pProvider,
    StructureChangeType structureChangeType,
    SAFEARRAY *runtimeId


  • pProvider
    [in] The address of the IRawElementProviderSimple interface of the element that is raising the event.
  • structureChangeType
    [in] A value from the StructureChangeType enumerated type indicating the type of change.
  • runtimeId
    [in] The address of SAFEARRAY a that contains the runtime identifiers of the elements that are affected. These IDs enable applications to identify elements that have been removed and are no longer represented by IUIAutomationElement interfaces.

Return Value

Returns S_OK if successful, or an error value otherwise.

See Also

IProxyProviderWinEventSink, Working with Safe Arrays