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IUIAutomationTextRange::CompareEndpoints Method

Retrieves a value that specifies whether the start or end point of this text range is the same as the start or end point of another one.


HRESULT CompareEndpoints(      
    TextPatternRangeEndpoint srcEndPoint,
    IUIAutomationTextRange *range,
    TextPatternRangeEndpoint targetEndPoint,
    int *compValue


  • srcEndPoint
    [in] A value from the TextPatternRangeEndpointEnum enumerated type specifying whether the start or end point of this text range is to be compared.
  • range
    [in] The address of the IUIAutomationTextRange interface of the text range to compare.
  • targetEndPoint
    [in] A value from the TextPatternRangeEndpointEnum enumerated type specifying whether the start or end point of range is to be compared.
  • compValue
    [out, retval] The address of a variable that receives a negative value if the caller's endpoint occurs earlier in the text than the target endpoint; 0 if the caller's endpoint is at the same location as the target endpoint; or a positive value if the caller's endpoint occurs later in the text than the target endpoint.

Return Value

Returns S_OK if successful, or an error value otherwise.