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IUIAutomationCacheRequest::TreeScope Property

Sets or retrieves the scope of caching.


HRESULT IUIAutomationCacheRequest::get_TreeScope(TreeScope *pScope);
HRESULT IUIAutomationCacheRequest::put_TreeScope(TreeScope scope);


  • pScope
    The address of a variable that receives a combination of values from the TreeScope enumerated type indicating the scope if caching.
  • scope
    A combination of values from the TreeScope enumerated type specifying the scope if caching.

Return Value

Returns S_OK if successful, or an error value otherwise.


When an element is retrieved, caching can be performed for only the element itself (the default behavior), or for the element and its children or descendants. This property describes the scope of the request.

See Also

Caching UI Automation Properties and Control Patterns, Obtaining UI Automation Elements