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IBDA_ConditionalAccess::InformUIClosed Method

This topic applies to Windows Vista.
The InformUIClosed method informs the device that the user-interface dialog is closed.


HRESULT InformUIClosed(
  [in]  BYTE byDialogNumber,
  [in]  UICloseReasonType CloseReason


  • byDialogNumber [in]
    Specifies the dialog number.

  • CloseReason [in]
    Specifies the reason for closing the dialog, as a member of the UICloseReasonType enumeration.

Return Value

If the method succeeds, it returns S_OK. It returns S_FALSE if a dialog with the specified dialog number cannot be found. If the method fails, it returns an error code.


Header Declared in Bdaiface.h.

See Also

IBDA_ConditionalAccess Interface

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Build date: 12/4/2008