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MSVidWebDVDEvent.DVDNotify Event

Note  This topic applies to Windows XP Service Pack 1 or later.

The DVDNotify event notifies an application of many different DVD events and disc instructions.

    ByVal lEventCode As Long, 
    ByVal lParam1 As Variant, 
    ByVal lParam2 As Variant


  • lEventCode
    Long containing the event code.

  • lParam1
    Long that can contain additional information for this event.

  • lParam2
    Long that can contain additional information for this event.

Return Value

This method does not return a value.


The DVD Navigator filter and other filters in the filter graph send a variety of notification codes about the state of the disc and the file that can be captured with this event. These codes are often accompanied by parameters that hold additional information. See DVD Event Notification Codes for more information about the event codes and their parameters.

A good use of this feature is to capture domain changes to disable unavailable features for the new domain. If using this method, be aware that the DVD does not send a domain change method on startup.


Private Sub oVidWebDVD_DVDNotify(
    ByVal lEventCode As Long, ByVal lParam1 As Variant, ByVal lParam2 As Variant
Select Case lEventCode
    Case 280   ' EC_DVD_DISC_EJECTED.
        MsgBox "Disc ejected!"
    Case 257   ' EC_DVD_DOMAIN_CHANGE.
        Select Case lParam1
            Case 1
                ' First play domain.
            Case 2
                ' Video manager set domain.
            Case 3
                ' Video title set domain.
            Case 4
                ' Title domain.
            Case 5
                ' Stop domain.
        End Select
    ' Handle other messages...        
End Select
End Sub


Type Library Use MS Video Control 1.0 Type Library and Microsoft Tuner 1.0 Type Library.
DLL Requires Quartz.dll.

See Also

DVD Event Notification Codes
Handling DVD Event Notifications
MSVidWebDVD Events

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Build date: 12/4/2008