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MSVidWebDVD.DVDTextNumberOfStrings Property

Note  This topic applies to Windows XP Service Pack 1 or later.

The DVDTextNumberOfStrings property retrieves the number of text strings available for the specified language.

   lLangIndex As Long
) As Long


  • lLangIndex
    Long containing the language index. The value must range from zero through one less than the value returned by DVDTextNumberOfLanguages.

Return Value

When getting the value, this property returns a Long.

Value Description
E_POINTER Invalid argument.
E_UNEXPECTED An unexpected internal error occurred.


This property is read-only.


' Returning the property.
lNumStrings = VidWebDVD.DVDTextNumberOfStrings(lLangIndex)


Type Library Use MS Video Control 1.0 Type Library and Microsoft Tuner 1.0 Type Library.
DLL Requires Quartz.dll.

See Also

MSVidWebDVD Object
Text Strings

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Build date: 12/4/2008